时间:2020-05-01 08:00 至 2020-08-31 18:00

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2020年度全球STEAM教育大师赛中国赛区正式开启 已过期会议时间:2020-05-01 08:00至 2020-08-31 18:00结束 会议地点: 线上活动 详细地址会前通知 会议规模:暂无 主办单位: 北美少儿科技教育协会 STEAM教育全球化研究中心
会议内容 主办方介绍

一、赛事缘起(About competition)
全球STEAM教育大师赛(STEAM MASTER)起源于美国硅谷,由NAYTEA北美少儿科技教育协会主办,内容涵盖了人工智能、机器人、3D打印、编程、创客、科学等核心板块。
“STEAM MASTER”original from Silicon Valley, USA, was hosted by NAYTEA (North American Youth Technology Education Association). It covers artificial intelligence, robotics, 3D printing, programming, maker, science as the core sectors.
In 2019, the inaugural competition with hundreds of participates from more than 10 countries and regions, including China, United States, Canada, Germany, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, Kenya, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, etc. STEAM Master has successfully established global industry reputation and empower the STEAM education worldwide.
链接中外,全球互融,STEAM MASTER致力打造STEAM教育专业师资平台,推动全球STEAM科创教育的综合发展,为未来科技发展培养优质人才。
Connecting China and Overseas, STEAM MASTER is committed to build a STEAM education professional teacher platform, promoting the comprehensive development of global STEAM science and technology education, and cultivating high-quality talents for future technological development.
Open, integration, communication 、development
Connect the world and innovate the future
The organizing Committee of “STEAM Masters”Competition is the official executive organization of the competition. The members of the organizing committee is responsible for formulating the competition items, competition system, scoring standards and monitor the competition process.
In addition to the organizing committee of the competition, there are support units and sponsors to provide resources and financial support for the competition;
2020 Global STEAM Education Masters Competition Organization
NAYTEA. North American Youth Technology Education Association
STEAM Educational Globalization Research Center
Co-Organizer: Shanghai Chanyu Information Technology Co.,Ltd
支持单位(Support Organizations):
上海教育学会Shanghai Education Society
上海市人工智能发展联盟Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Development Alliance
AIII人工智能研究院AIII Artificial Intelligence Research Institute.
华东师范大学East China Normal University
上海同济大学Tongji University
北京师范大学Beijing Normal University
南京师范大学Nanjing Normal University
上海科学与艺术教育中心Shanghai Science and Art Education Center
Sam labs(英国)Sam labs
牛津儿童科技能力发展研究中心Oxford Center for Research in Children’s Developments in Science and Technology
Asia region, China as the center, set up China region.
North America Region, the United States as the center, set up the United States Region.
South America, Chile as the center, set up Chile Region.
European region, Finland as the center, set up the Finland Region
Oceania region, New Zealand as the center, set up the New Zealand Region
Africa, merged with Europe Region.
The competition mainly focuses on the core areas of global technology development trends. At present, it is mainly based on the promotion and popularization of STEAM education in primary and secondary schools in the world, and does not involve universities and vocational education for now.
1、人工智能(AI)领域: 在全球推行的有关人工智能基础知识的中小学普及教育;
Artificial intelligence (AI) field: Universal education on the basic knowledge of artificial intelligence worldwide;
Robot field: including robot education based on Lego, and other robotics hardware;
Programing field: mainly including the core programming languages such as Scratch, Python, C ++, etc. in primary and secondary schools;
Innovation Technology field: based on Micro: bit / Arduino / Raspberry Pi and other hardware, providing systematic teaching methods and instructional design to cultivate hands-on practical ability in primary and middle schools;
Science field, including natural sciences, mathematics, social sciences, etc., from basic concepts to practical hands-on improvement, it focuses on establish a whole teaching system to support the young people's comprehensive scientific literacy.
The teacher who is engaging in STEAM education can participate from kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school to high school. The core of the competition is design to compete with teachers ’professional skills, such as curriculum development and design capabilities, teaching methods, evaluation, and achievement transformation. Professional and innovation ability
1、赛事评审委员会(About the Jury)
The expert members of the judging committee of the Global STEAM Education Masters Organizing Committee include: STEAM education enterprises, STEAM education research scholars, project sponsors from well-known universities, and star experts in the STEAM education professional field.
They with
1) 较广泛的行业影响力;
Wide industry influence;
2) 海外背景,开阔的全球视野;
Overseas background, broad global vision;
3) 多年STEAM教育行业实践经验;
Years of practical experience in the STEAM education industry;
4) 资深STEAM教育专业领域的研究者,其中不乏核心专家;
Senior researchers in the field of STEAM education, including well-knewn experts;
5) 全球名校精英/教育院校精英Global well-known University / education school elite。
2、赛事重点考核STEAM教师以下能力(Key assessment):
1) 职业素养:作为一名STEAM教师的职业素养,领导力、沟通力、专业能力、教师品德基本素养等;
Occupational literacy: as a STEAM teacher, Occupational quality, leadership, communication, professional capacity, ethics, etc. ;
2) 专业素养:科学素养、数学素养、工程实践、技术应用等;
Professional literacy: the knowledge of scientific, mathematics, engineering and practice, technology application, etc.;
3) 跨学科创新力:基于掌握扎实的专业基础,具备跨学科的知识和视野,和思维习惯,培训学生树立正确的教育观念;
Interdisciplinary innovation: based on a solid professional knowledge, with interdisciplinary knowledge and vision, and training students to establish correct educational concepts;
4) 课程设计与整合:课程设计和整合能力是教师的基本素养,在教学过程中可以灵活设计与整合;
Curriculum design and integration: Curriculum design and integration capabilities are the basic qualities of teacher, which can be flexibly designed and integrated in the teaching process;
5) 教学实践与评估:强调可行性,解决方案,主要体现在教学方法和实践上,达成很好的教学成果,培养出优秀学生是关键。
Teaching practice and evaluation: Emphasizing feasibility and solutions, mainly reflected in teaching methods and practices, achieving good teaching results and training excellent students are the key.
六、赛事赛制(Comptition Rules)
“STEAM Master 2020” China Region Competition
“STEAM Master 2020” China Region Competition Path
Initial Selection— “Silver Medal” — “Gold Medal”—“Star Teacher”— “Teacher in Year of 2020”
“STEAM Master 2020” Overseas Competition Path
Regional competition - Advanced competition - Global final
Teachers from China can participate in both international and domestic circuits
Competition timeline
阶段(Stage) |
进程事项(Item) |
时间线 (timeline) |
内容 (Content) |
提交资料 (Requirements) |
第一阶段 海选至进阶 Stage 1 |
报名 Sign up |
2020.05.01 May 1, 2020 |
开放报名渠道 Open registration |
1、报名申请表; Application form 2、个人资料信息; Profile information 3、按照赛事邀请,提交参赛作品。 Submit entries according to the invitation of the competition |
海选 entry submission |
2020.05.01— 2020.09.01 May 1, 2020--September 1, 2020 |
参赛教师在线提交作品及个人资料 Teachers submit entries and personal information online |
公布进阶名单Announce the list for stage2 |
2020.09.30 September 30, 2020 |
进阶名单公示 Announce the list for stage 2 |
第二阶段进入决赛 Stage 2 |
提交作品 entry submission |
2020.10.01— 10.31 October 01, 2020— October 31 |
再次提交新一轮作品资料 Submit a 2nd round of entry |
按照进阶要求提交进阶级升级资料 According to the requirements, update the information |
公布决赛名单Announce the final list
2020.12.01 December 1, 2020 |
决赛名单公布 Announce the final list |
决赛盛典 Final |
2020.12.12-13 December 12--13, 2020 |
决赛颁奖典礼 Global Final |
1) 凡是中小学学校和STEAM教育专业培训机构的教师,以及有授课经验的专业教师均可报名;
All teachers in primary and secondary schools and STEAM education professional training institutions, as well as professional teachers with teaching experience can register;
2) 至少要具备一年以上的STEAM教育行业教学经验,如:从事幼儿园、小学、初中、高中等范围的机器人教师、编程教师、人工智能授课教师、科学课程教师、科创教师、专业竞赛教师等都可以参与;
At least one year of teaching experience in the STEAM education industry, such as robot teachers, programming teachers, artificial intelligence teachers, science curriculum teachers, science and technology innovation teachers, professional competition teachers, etc. in Pre K – K12 is qualified to participate;
3) 参赛教师须以个人为单位报名,不接受团队参赛。
Participating teachers must register as individual instead team/group.
4) 具体参赛标准见下表(criteria):
标准(standard) |
内容(Content) |
职业素养 (Professional accomplishment) ① |
1) 教师基本信息(姓名、教龄、照片、学校/机构、联系方式) Teacher basic information (name, teaching age, photo, school / institution, contact information) 2) 学生家长评价(感谢信、学生成果等相关资料) Student parents' evaluation (Thanks, student achievements and other relevant materials) 3) 教学培训(参加过作为教师的相关培训) Teaching training (participated in relevant training as a teacher) |
课程设计与整合 (Curriculum design and integration) ② |
自己设计开发的课件(5课时)(教案和上课PPT)(以机器人、科创、编程教学、科学类为主体的课程创新设计与整合) Course designed and developed by yourself (5 class hours) (teaching plan and class PPT) (innovative design and integration of courses based on robotics, science and technology, programming teaching, science) |
教学实践与评估 (Teaching Practice and Evaluation) ③ |
1) 教学视频(正常上课或者公开课)的15-30分钟,着重展示教学过程 15-30 minutes of teaching video (normal class or open class), focusing on showing the teaching process 2) 教学实践或者演讲的相关图片和相关新闻资料等 Related pictures and related news materials of teaching practice or speech 3) 教学项目实践(项目名称,实践,成果、评估等)1-2个 Teaching project practice (project name, practice, results, evaluation, etc.) 1-2 4) 教学成果(学生的获奖证书、优秀教练/教师证书等) Teaching achievements (student's award certificate, excellent coach / teacher certificate, etc.) |
专业素养 (Professionalism) ④ |
1) 认证(获得STEAM教育相关专业培训认证证书) Certification (obtained STEAM education related professional training certification) 2) 专利(获得专业领域的相关发明或相关专利证书) Patent (obtained relevant invention or related patent certificate in professional field) |
跨学科创新与行业实践 (Interdisciplinary innovation and industry practice) ⑤ |
1) 论文(在国内外专业期刊发表的论文) Papers (papers published in professional journals at home and abroad) 2) 教材出版物(出版过教材/专业书籍) Textbooks and publications (textbooks / professional books published) 3) 专访视频/协助行业标准制定,对推动行业发展有过贡献 Interview video / assist in industry standard formulation, have contributed to promoting industry development |
备注说明(instruction manual:):
1) 严格遵守中华人民共和国的法律规范;
Strictly abide by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China;
2) 教学实践内容符合国际与国家中小学素质教育培养方向;
The teaching practice content is in line with the international and national primary and secondary school quality education training direction;
3) 参评教师具本基本的职业素养,作为新时代的教师,师德为首,立德立教,以身示教。除了师德,同时还要具备作为教师的基本素养,具备基本的学习、创新、沟通教授等能力;
The participating teachers have basic professional qualities. As a teacher in the new era, teachers should be headed by teachers ’ethics, and teach themselves by teaching themselves. In addition to teachers' ethics, they must also have basic qualities as teachers, basic learning, innovation, and communication skills;
4) 课程设计要符合STEAM教育跨学科内容融合与创新标准,符合STEAM教育基本原则与发展方向;
Curriculum design should conform to STEAM education interdisciplinary content integration and innovation standards, and STEAM education basic principles and development directions;
5) 教学实践与评估,着重STEAM教育落地实践方法的过程,鼓励创新,过程可评估,教学成果真实、可见;
Teaching practice and evaluation, focusing on the process of STEAM education landing practice methods, encouraging innovation, the process can be evaluated, and the teaching results are real and visible;
6) 专业素养,强调STEAM教育科学基础专业能力。作为STEAM教师要具备识别科学原理的能力,能够理解科学的实施与概念、规律、定律、规定,可以数量的运用数学等科学工具,具备工程实践能力,并且能将教育技术、信息技术、计算机编程等与教学内容、与目标进行融合;
Professional literacy, emphasizing the basic professional ability of STEAM education science. As a STEAM teacher, you must have the ability to recognize the principles of science, be able to understand the implementation and concepts, laws, laws, regulations of science. Wait for integration with teaching content and goals;
7) 跨学科创新和行业实践,强化教师的系统创新与实践能力,独立进行跨学科创新,推动行业实践与发展。
Interdisciplinary innovation and industry practice, strengthen teachers' systematic innovation and practical ability, independently carry out interdisciplinary innovation, and promote industry practice and development.
The experts of the Masters Judging Committee will objectively score the participating teachers from the above standards.
八、提交资料要求(Request for submission)
According to the competition system, participating teachers are required to submit materials for the competition twice during the competition.
第一次提交资料Submit information for the first time
标准 standard |
资料 Information |
备注 Remarks |
报名 Sign up |
填写2020全球STEAM教育大师赛申请表 Fill in the application form for the “STEAM MASTER 2020” |
要求参加教师提交资料尽量完整,没有的不强制。 Participants are required to submit the materials as completely as possible. |
职业素养 Professional accomplishment |
1) 提交1寸高清照片(个人正装照片) Submit 1 inch HD photos (personal formal photos) 2) 学生家长评价(感谢信、学生成果展示等相关资料) Evaluation of students 'parents (Thanks letter, display of students' achievements, etc.) 3) 参加过提升教师素养的相关培训(参加过作为教师的相关培训,文字资料以及照片) Participated in training related to improving teachers' qualities (participated in training related to teachers, written materials and photos) |
课程设计与整合 Curriculum design and integration |
提交课程设计(5课时)教案和上课课件 Submit course design (5 class hours) lesson plans and courseware 内容包括:以机器人、科创、编程教学、科学类等为主体课程的创新设计与整合 The content includes: Innovative design and integration of courses based on robotics, science and technology, programming teaching, science, etc. |
教学实践与评估 Teaching Practice and Evaluation |
1) 教学视频(正常上课或者公开课)15-30分钟 Teaching video (normal class or open class) 15-30 minutes 2) 教学或者演讲的相关图片和相关新闻资料等 Related pictures and related news materials for teaching or speech 3) 教学类项目实践(项目名称,实践,成果、评估等)1-2个 Teaching project practice (project name, practice, results, evaluation, etc.) 1-2 4) 教学成果(学生的获奖证书、优秀教练/教师证书) Teaching achievements (student's award certificate, excellent coach / teacher certificate) |
专业素养 specialty accomplishment |
1) 认证(获得STEAM教育相关专业培训认证证书) Certification (obtained STEAM education related professional training certification) 2) 专利(获得专业领域的相关发明或相关专利证书) Patent (obtained relevant invention or related patent certificate in professional field) |
第二次提交资料Submit information for the second time
标准 standard |
资料 Information |
备注 Remarks |
跨学科创新与实践 Interdisciplinary innovation and practice |
1) 论文(在国内外专业期刊发表的论文):提交1篇有代表性的论文 Papers (papers published in professional journals at home and abroad): Submit 1 representative paper 2) 出版物(出版过教材或专业书籍):提供一本能代表特色和水平出版专著 Publications (Published textbooks or professional books): Provide a monograph that can represent the characteristics and level of publication 3) 行业专访视频/行业新闻报道资料 Industry interview video / industry news report materials 4) 协助行业标准制定,以及推动行业发展的行为 Assist in the development of industry standards and the actions that promote the development of the industry |
1) 参加年度最佳论文奖必须要提交论文 Papers must be submitted to participate in the best paper award of the year 2) 参加年度著作奖必须要提交出版物 You must submit a publication to participate in the annual writing award |
课程设计与整合 Curriculum design and integration |
自己设计开发的10课时教案和课件(PPT或word形式)主要包括:以机器人、科创、编程教学、科学类为主体的课程创新设计与整合 The 10 lesson plans (PPT or word format) designed and developed by yourself mainly include: curriculum innovation design and integration with robots, science and technology, programming teaching, and science as the main body |
参加最佳课程设计奖必须要提交 The best course design award must be submitted |
教学实践 Teaching practice |
教学视频(正常上课或者公开课):15-30钟 Teaching video (normal class or open class): 15-30 minutes |
参加年度最佳说课奖必须提交 Participation in the annual best lecture award must be submitted |
九、赛事奖项设置(Competition awards)
The selection standards and assessment methods developed by the Global STEAM Education Masters are committed to providing reference standards for the assessment of STEAM teachers from excellent to excellent, and thus contributing to the development of the industry. Especially in the Chinese competition area, the competition system is also set up locally to encourage and affirm more teachers ’teaching efforts and establish the domestic“ excellent teacher ”industry benchmark, which has practical reference significance for promoting and building a domestic excellent teacher standard system .
The awards of the Global STEAM Education Masters are set up as domestic and international, as follows:
国内赛Domestic competition
奖项 Awards |
名额 Quota |
奖品 prize |
优秀教师 excellent teacher |
500 |
证书 Certificate |
金牌教师 Gold Teacher |
200 |
证书+奖品 Certificate + Prize |
明星教师 Star teacher |
50 |
证书+奖杯+奖品 Certificate + trophy + prize |
年度名师 Teacher of the Year |
10 |
证书+奖杯+奖品 Certificate + trophy + prize |
国际赛International competition
奖项 |
名额 |
奖品 |
年度最佳单项奖 Best single award of the year “2020年度最佳说课奖” "Best Lectures in 2020 Award" “2020年度最佳课程设计奖” "2020 Best Course Design Award" “2020年度最佳跨学科创新奖” "2020 Best Interdisciplinary Innovation Award" “2020年度最佳论文奖” "Best Paper Award of 2020" “2020年度最佳著作奖” "Best Work Award of 2020" |
证书+奖品 Certificate + Prize |
三等奖 Third prize |
3 |
证书+奖金(500美金) Certificate + bonus (500 USD) |
二等奖 second prize |
2 |
证书+奖金(500美金) Certificate + bonus (500 USD) |
一等奖 First prize |
1 |
证书+奖金(5000美金) Certificate + bonus (5000 USD) |
十、法律法规与知识产权Laws and regulations and intellectual property
1、 参赛选手须严格准守国际公约与中华人民共和国法律;
Contestants must strictly abide by international conventions and the laws of the People ’s Republic of China;
2、 参赛选手提报的作品必须是参赛选手的原创,不得侵犯他人的著作权、专利和其他知识产品的相关权利;
The entries in the selected handbook must be the originals of the contestants, and they must not infringe on the copyrights, patents and other related rights of other intellectual products;
3、 所有参赛选手所提交的参赛项目的知识产品均归参赛者所有,大赛组委会仅享有宣传与展示的权利。
All the knowledge products submitted by contestants in the entries are owned by the contestants, and the organizing committee of the contest only with the rights of promotion and display.
十一、资料提交Information submission
All materials required for the contest should be submitted through the email designated by the organizing committee of the contest.
The “STEAM MASTER 2020” Competition Committee has opened exclusive channels for question answering, including: dedicated hotlines, emails, and WeChat, and participating teachers can use these channels for event consultation.
十三、赛后机会与专属福利The opportunities and exclusive benefits after competition
1、 优秀教师教学案例将被收录到“全球STEAM教育大师优秀教学案例库”,进行全球推广;
Outstanding teacher curriculums/cases will be demo in the "Global STEAM Education Master Outstanding Teaching Case Database" display worldwide;
2、 优秀教师将被收录至全球STEAM教育核心人才库/全球人才库,对接全球各大企业与高校,对于个别优秀教师,可获取参与海外教学的机会。
Outstanding teachers will be invited into the global STEAM education talent pool, connecting with major companies and universities over the world. For individual excellent teachers, they can get the opportunity to participate in overseas teaching oppotunity.
3、 优秀教师将优先享受“STEAM MASTER“的全球核心课程培训;
Excellent teachers will have priority to enjoy the global core curriculum training of "STEAM MASTER";
4、 优秀教师将有机会成为“全球STEAM教育推广大使”参与国际交流与活动;
Excellent teachers will have the opportunity to become "Global STEAM Education Promotion Ambassadors" to participate in international exchanges and activities;
5、 最后的优胜教师将享有率先成为“STEAM MASTER“全球STEAM教育大师赛的特聘专家”特权,有机会进入下一届的赛事评审委员会,作为导师参与赛审评审工作,快速提升行业影响力。
The final winning teacher will enjoy the privilege of being the first to become a "STEAM MASTER" "Expertise of the Global STEAM Masters", and have the opportunity to enter the next competition judging committee to participate in the competition review work as a mentor to quickly enhance the industry's influence.
Competition timeline
阶段(Stage) | 进程事项(Item) | 时间线 (timeline) | 内容 (Content) | 提交资料 (Requirements) |
第一阶段 海选至进阶 Stage 1 | 报名 Sign up | 2020.05.01 May 1, 2020 | 开放报名渠道 Open registration | 1、报名申请表; Application form 2、个人资料信息; Profile information 3、按照赛事邀请,提交参赛作品。 Submit entries according to the invitation of the competition |
海选 entry submission | 2020.05.01— 2020.09.01 May 1, 2020--September 1, 2020 | 参赛教师在线提交作品及个人资料 Teachers submit entries and personal information online | ||
公布进阶名单Announce the list for stage2 | 2020.09.30 September 30, 2020 | 进阶名单公示 Announce the list for stage 2 | ||
第二阶段进入决赛 Stage 2 | 提交作品 entry submission | 2020.10.01— 10.31 October 01, 2020— October 31 | 再次提交新一轮作品资料 Submit a 2nd round of entry | 按照进阶要求提交进阶级升级资料 According to the requirements, update the information |
公布决赛名单Announce the final list | 2020.12.01 December 1, 2020 | 决赛名单公布 Announce the final list | ||
决赛盛典 Final | 2020.12.12-13 December 12--13, 2020 | 决赛颁奖典礼 Global Final |
票种名称 | 价格 | 原价 | 票价说明 |
报名费 | ¥268 | ¥268 | 此费用仅含报名参赛费用,报名后有专人负责讲解参赛安排 |
2025-05-16 昆明
2025-03-29 北京
2025-09-01 线上活动
2025-05-23 北京

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仅PC站支持。 -
根据会员等级的不同,每抵用1元可使用的积分也不一样,具体可参见PLUS会员页面。 仅PC站支持。