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首页 > 商务会议 > 学术会议会议 > 2019年美国区域麻醉与疼痛医学会秋季年会暨第18届疼痛医学会议 更新时间:2019-09-04T10:40:55


2019年美国区域麻醉与疼痛医学会秋季年会暨第18届疼痛医学会议 已过期

会议时间:2019-11-14 09:00至 2019-11-16 18:00结束

会议地点: 新奥尔良  详细地址会前通知  None


主办单位: 美国区域麻醉与疼痛医学学会(ASRA)

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        ◆ 会议时间:2019年11月14-16日
        ◆ 会议地点:美国 新奥尔良New Orleans

        ◆ 会议简介:

        2019年第18届美国区域麻醉疼痛医学会(ASRA)秋季疼痛医学会议/年会将于 2019年11月14-16日在美国美国新奥尔良举行,预计有1200余名专业人士出席会议。


        Dear Colleagues,

        On behalf of the Scientific/Education Planning Committee, I personally invite you to the18th Annual Pain Medicine Meetingtaking placeThursday, November 14–Saturday, November 16, 2019,at the New Orleans Marriott located right on the edge of NOLA’s French Quarter.

        The importance of pain medicine, including clinical care and research, has never been more apparent. From novel pharmaceuticals to cutting-edge interventional techniques to the opioid crisis,qualified pain medicine leaders possess knowledge and skills to lead their patients and health systems with evidence-informed and evidence-based medicine. ASRA leaders and members have embraced this role, through work with the multisociety pain workgroup, to increasing funding available for junior and established researchers, and to participating in safety and appropriateness guidelines, such as guidelines on anticoagulation and ketamine.

        This year’s meeting program again featuresnational and international experts in the field of pain medicine. Highlighted sessions includenovel opioid targets, alcohol use in chronic pain, advances in advanced interventional care, and treating patients with challenging conditions, such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and headache. There will be additional input from NIH-funded researchers and pain medicine professionals who lead outside the clinic or lab through entrepreneurship, advocacy, and pain journalism. Finally, a session entitled“Stronger Together: The Future of Pain Medicine”will close the meeting and will be preceded by the Saturday award luncheon with the John J. Bonica Award Lecture.

        In addition to the didactic sessions, you will have the opportunity to attendmany hands-on workshops in areas of ultrasound and fluoroscopyincluding radiofrequency ablation techniques, regenerative medicine, advanced interventional techniques (vertebroplasty, percutaneous spine decompression), and surgical practicums. The highly popular musculoskeletal and pain medicine ultrasound workshops, first demonstrated at ASRA and continuously evolving to meet learner needs, will continue to offer a multi-staged curriculum for obtaining ASRA’s Pain and MSK Interventional Ultrasound Certificate. Also, theASA/ASRA practice management sessionsare designed for interactive discussion on key aspects of coding/compliance, managing a variety of pain practice settings, and issues pertaining to patient retention and risk management. These sessions are truly a must for both physician leaders and practice management specialists.

        We acknowledge and affirmthe importance of non-physician providers in our busy healthcare systemand continue to be excited about the growth of this aspect in our program. In addition to thededicated PA/NP/Nursing program, participants also have the opportunity to attendtargeted interactive sessions on intrathecal therapies, professional development, diagnostic imaging and electrodiagnostics, and the incredibly popular hands-on physical and neurological exam workshop.

        In addition to the traditional sessions,abstract submissions, moderated ePosters,andproblem-based learning discussions (PBLDs),we are excited to introduceASRA’s first ever Data Blitz, where trainees and junior faculty can present late-breaking and exciting research and interact directly with the internationally recognized translational and clinical researchers in an informal, relaxed, and fun setting!

        And plan to stay for theSaturday evening celebrationwhere faculty and participants can relax together, enjoy the wonderful entertainment, and “Laissez les Bon Temps Rouler” (“Let the Good Times Roll”)!

        I look forward to seeing you in the Big Easy!


        Andrea Nicol, MD

        Chair, Scientific/Education Planning Committee

        Main meeting registration includes refresher courses •parallel sessions • expert interactive sessions • ePosters and moderated sessions • exhibit hall access with company booths, ASRA chat room, and internet café • daily breakfast and breaks • opening networking reception •meeting materials and presentations.(Workshops, PBLDs, special sessions, awards luncheon, and Saturday celebration require additional fees.)
        Main Meeting *Proof of status required at registration desk.Early Birdthrough
        Oct. 2
        RegularOct. 3- Nov. 7Onsitefrom
        Physician Member of ASRA$770$885$925
        Physician Member of ESRA, AFSRA, LASRA, AOSRA*$770$885$925
        Physician Non-Member$1,125$1,375$1,440
        Trainee (Resident/Fellow) ASRA Member*$245$275$300
        Trainee (Resident/Fellow)
        ASRA Non-Member*
        Affiliate Member (PA, NP, Nurse, Other)*$375$480$585
        Non-Physician, Non-Member (PA, NP, Nurse, Other)$485$590$695
        Active-Duty Military ASRA Member*$480$480$480
        Day Rate$410$525$585
        Exhibitor (complimentary with booth; limited number)$0$0$0
        Additional Exhibitor Badge$195$195$195
        Associate Faculty (speaking/teaching at this event; does not include poster presenters)$385$385$385
        Faculty (speaking/teaching at this event; does not include poster presenters)$0$0$0

        ◆ 参会对象:










        酒店与住宿: 为防止极端情况下活动延期或取消,建议“异地客户”与活动家客服确认参会信息后,再安排出行与住宿。
        退款规则: 活动各项资源需提前采购,购票后不支持退款,可以换人参加。




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