时间:2025-05-13 08:30 至 2025-05-14 17:00

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会议时间:2025-05-13 08:30至 2025-05-14 17:00结束 会议地点: 深圳 详细地址会前通知 会议规模:800人 主办单位: 马里亚纳
门票名称 | 单价 | 截止时间 | 数量 | |
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¥2800.0 | 2025-03-31 17:00 | ![]() |
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¥1500.0 | 2025-03-31 17:00 | ![]() |
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¥3600.0 | 2025-04-07 17:00 | ![]() |
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¥1800.0 | 2025-04-07 17:00 | ![]() |
会议内容 主办方介绍

The Global Summit 2025 of Chinese Enterprises of New Energy Battery Industrial Chain Going Overseas
峰会时间Summit Time:
2025年05月12-14日 May 12-14, 2025
一、峰会背景Background to the Summit
在全球化变局与贸易摩擦加剧背景下,“不出海,就出局”已成为中国企业的共识。随着全球新能源汽车和储能行业的快速发展,对新能源电池的需求迅速增长。据国际能源署研究,2030年全球动力电池需求量将达到3500GWh,是2023年全球出货量的4倍多。因此,中国新能源电池产业链企业出海可以更好地满足这一日益增长的全球市场需求。 Against the backdrop of globalization and intensifying trade friction, “go overseas or go out” has become the consensus of Chinese enterprises. With the rapid development of global new energy vehicles and energy storage industry, the demand for new energy batteries is also growing rapidly. According to a study by the International Energy Agency, the global demand for power batteries will reach 3,500GWh in 2030, which is more than four times the global shipment in 2023.
“出海”不仅是应对内卷与增长瓶颈的必然选择,更是中国企业走向全球的战略抉择。中国新能源电池产业链在全球市场中占据重要地位,具备较强的成本优势和全球竞争力。同时,中国本土产能已经出现过剩,出海可以有效地利用这些产能,避免资源浪费。 “Going overseas” is not only an inevitable choice to cope with the internal volume and growth bottleneck, but also a strategic choice for Chinese enterprises to go global. China's new energy battery industry chain occupies an important position in the global market, with strong cost advantages and global competitiveness. At the same time, China's local production capacity has been in excess, the sea can effectively utilize these capacities to avoid waste of resources.
总的来说,中国新能源电池产业链企业出海是响应全球市场需求、发挥自身竞争优势、规避贸易壁垒、实现市场多元化和产业链垂直一体化的重要战略选择。 In general, China's new energy battery industry chain enterprises to go to sea is an important strategic choice to respond to the global market demand, play their own competitive advantages, avoid trade barriers, and realize market diversification and vertical integration of the industry chain.
加之,全球新能源电池产业链的发展并不均衡,众多海外国家虽拥有丰富的资源优势或广阔的市场潜力,但在新能源电池产业的技术、产能及产业链构建方面存在短板,急需中国企业的参与和共建,以完善其国内产业布局,满足能源转型需求,提升全球竞争力。 In addition, the development of the global new energy battery industry chain is not balanced, many overseas countries have rich resource advantages or broad market potential, but there are shortcomings in the new energy battery industry technology, production capacity and industry chain construction, there is an urgent need for Chinese enterprises to participate and co-construction, in order to improve their domestic industrial layout, to meet the needs of energy transformation, and to enhance global competitiveness.
当然,企业出海过程中无法回避的挑战包括文化、贸易及法规等方面的冲突。在海外长期经营过程中,文化理念、经营战略的差异,以及与当地同行的市场份额争夺等问题,都将对企业造成影响。 Of course, the challenges that cannot be avoided in the process of enterprises going overseas include conflicts in culture, trade and regulations. Differences in cultural concepts and business strategies, as well as competition for market share with local counterparts, will all have an impact on enterprises in the course of long-term overseas operations.
基于此,马里亚纳将于2025年05月12-14日在中国·深圳举办首届“2025中国新能源电池产业链出海全球峰会”,为中国新能源电池产业链企业出海寻找“走出去”的信念感,助力企业拥有“专业化”的能力傍身、拥有有“本地化”的展业思维,在全球化竞争中找到市场价值,并因地制宜地解决障碍。 Based on this, Marianas will hold the first “2025 China New Energy Battery Industry Chain Going to Sea Global Summit” on May 12-14, 2025 in Shenzhen, China, to help Chinese new energy battery industry chain enterprises go to sea to find the belief of “going out”. We will help the enterprises to have the ability of “specialization” and the thinking of “localization”, so that they can find the market value in the global competition and solve the obstacles according to the local conditions.
与此同时,借由本次峰会搭建一个国际化的交流与合作平台,汇聚全球新能源电池产业链的各方力量,共同探讨行业发展趋势、出海机遇与挑战,促进各国在技术、市场、投资等方面的深度合作,推动中国新能源电池企业在全球市场的稳健发展,提升全球新能源电池产业的整体竞争力,为全球可持续能源发展贡献力量 。 At the same time, through this summit to build an international exchange and cooperation platform, gathering the power of the global new energy battery industry chain, to discuss the development trend of the industry, the opportunities and challenges of the sea, to promote in-depth cooperation in technology, market, investment and other aspects of the countries, to promote the steady development of China's new energy battery enterprises in the global market, to enhance the overall competitiveness of the global new energy battery industry, and to contribute to the development of sustainable energy in the world. Contribute to the global sustainable energy development.
二、峰会亮点Summit Highlights
“寻机遇,占先机”:商业对话,现场答疑,共话全球化新趋势下中国企业出海面临的机遇与挑战,助力出海企业获得全方位的学习与合作机会。 Business dialogue, on-site Q&A, talking about the opportunities and challenges faced by Chinese enterprises going overseas under the new trend of globalization, and helping enterprises going overseas to obtain all-round learning and cooperation opportunities.
“案例化,巧融合”: 邀请东南亚/日/韩/欧洲/北美等海外企业及本地出海先锋企业,从“走出去”、 “本地化”等多个维度分享出海案例和出海机会。 Overseas enterprises from Southeast Asia/Japan/Korea/Europe/North America and local pioneering enterprises will be invited to share their overseas cases and opportunities from the perspectives of “going out” and “localization”.
“聚资源,谋出海”:产学研专家、政商高层、投融机构、出海先锋企业等政、企、学嘉宾汇聚一堂,资源对接,共话出海。 Experts from industry, academia and research, government and business executives, investment and financing institutions, and pioneering enterprises going to sea and other guests from government, enterprises and academia gathered together to dock resources and talk about going to sea.
三、峰会规模Summit Scale
1000+出海企业代表Representatives of enterprises going to sea
500+出海企业company going overseas
25+出海痛点话题Overseas Pain Point Topics
四、六大出海专题Six offshore topics
趋势篇、策略篇、技术篇、案例篇、对接篇、赋能篇 Trends, Strategies, Technology, Cases, Matchmaking, Empowerment
拟邀请报告议题:Topics to be invited for reporting:
全球新能源电池产业发展趋势与市场前景:分析全球新能源电池市场规模、增长趋势、技术演进方向等,为企业出海提供宏观市场视角。 Global new energy battery industry development trend and market outlook: analyze the global new energy battery market size, growth trends, technology evolution direction, etc., to provide macro market perspective for enterprises to go overseas.
各国新能源政策法规解读与投资环境分析:详细介绍中国、美国、日韩、印尼、摩洛哥、匈牙利等国家和地区的新能源产业政策、市场现状、补贴措施、技术标准、准入门槛等,帮助企业了解海外投资环境。 Interpretation of new energy policies and regulations and analysis of investment environment in various countries: Detailed introduction of new energy industrial policies, market status quo, subsidy measures, technical standards, access thresholds, etc. in China, the United States, Japan and South Korea, Indonesia, Morocco, Hungary and other countries and regions, to help enterprises understand the overseas investment environment.
中国新能电池企业出海战略与实践案例分享:邀请已经成功出海的中国企业,分享在海外市场的布局策略、市场拓展经验、本地化运营管理、技术合作与知识产权保护等方面的实践案例和心得体会。 Sharing of overseas strategies and practice cases of Chinese new energy battery enterprises: Chinese enterprises that have successfully gone overseas are invited to share their practice cases and experience in overseas market layout strategies, market expansion experience, localized operation management, technology cooperation and intellectual property protection.
海外新能源电池产业链建设与供应链协同发展:探讨在全球范围内如何构建稳定高效的新能源电池全产业链和供应链体系,包括技术研发、产品解决方案、产学研合作、原材料采购、生产制造、物流配送、回收利用等环节的协同合作模式与创新实践。 Overseas New Energy Battery Industry Chain Construction and Supply Chain Synergistic Development: Discuss how to build a stable and efficient new energy battery industry chain and supply chain system globally, including the synergistic cooperation mode and innovative practices in technology research and development, product solutions, cooperation between industry, academia and research institutes, raw material purchasing, production and manufacturing, logistics and distribution, recycling and other links.
新能源电池前沿技术研究与创新应用场景探索:聚焦全球新能源电池领域的最新技术研发成果,如固态电池、钠离子电池等技术突破与应用前景,以及在新能源汽车、储能系统、分布式能源等领域的创新应用场景。 New Energy Battery Frontier Technology Research and Innovative Application Scenarios Exploration: Focus on the latest technology research and development achievements in the field of global new energy batteries, such as solid-state batteries, sodium-ion batteries and other technological breakthroughs and application prospects, as well as innovative application scenarios in the field of new energy automobiles, energy storage systems, distributed energy and other areas.
五、议题方向Topic direction
中国视角China perspective::
宁德时代出海战略与全球布局 CATL's overseas expansion strategy and global layout
中国锂电产业的技术优势与在海外市场的竞争潜力 China's lithium battery industry's technological advantages and competitive potential in overseas markets
钠电技术在中国的突破及海外市场拓展前景 Sodium battery technology breakthroughs in China and overseas market expansion prospects
固态电池技术:中国的创新路径与出海挑战 Solid-state battery technology: China's innovation path and challenges in going global
碳材料及负极技术在中国新能源电池领域的创新与海外应用 Innovation and overseas application of carbon materials and negative electrode technology in China's new energy battery field
中国新能源项目在海外的设计与工程实践经验 Design and engineering practice experience of Chinese new energy projects overseas
联合创新金融产品支持新能源企业海外并购 Jointly innovate financial products to support overseas mergers and acquisitions of new energy enterprises
供应链金融如何助力中国新能源企业出海 How supply chain finance helps Chinese new energy enterprises go overseas
物流在中国新能源企业出海中的关键作用 The key role of logistics in the overseas expansion of Chinese new energy enterprises
工艺包技术创新助力中国新能源企业在海外市场的竞争力提升 Technical innovation of process packages helps Chinese new energy enterprises improve their competitiveness in overseas markets
纳米级研磨技术赋能锂电材料海外品质飞跃 Nano-level grinding technology enables lithium battery materials to leap in quality overseas
精准热控技术保障新能源电池海外生产一致性 Precise thermal control technology ensures consistency in overseas production of new energy batteries
钴资源掌控下的全球新能源供应链出海蓝图 Global new energy supply chain blueprint under the control of cobalt resources
智能装备集成推动新能源电池材料海外生产的智能化转型 Intelligent equipment integration promotes the intelligent transformation of overseas production of new energy battery materials
新能源材料海外生产中的创新干燥技术解决方案 Innovative drying technology solutions in overseas production of new energy materials
印尼视角Indonesian perspective:
东南亚新能源市场概况和出海布局机遇与挑战 Overview of Southeast Asia's new energy market and opportunities and challenges of overseas layout
东南亚新能源电池市场潜力洞察与需求剖析 Insights into Southeast Asia's new energy battery market potential and demand analysis
电池材料供应链在东南亚的布局机遇与挑战 Opportunities and challenges of battery material supply chain layout in Southeast Asia
负极材料在东南亚新能源电池领域的应用前景 Application prospects of negative electrode materials in Southeast Asia's new energy battery field
印度尼西亚镍资源优势下的电池材料产业发展路径 Development path of battery material industry under Indonesia's nickel resource advantage
新能源电池材料技术创新在东南亚市场的适应性研究 Study on the adaptability of new energy battery material technology innovation in Southeast Asia market
泰国新能源电池市场发展及对周边国家的辐射效应 Development of Thailand's new energy battery market and its radiation effect on neighboring countries
The impact of the rise of Southeast Asia's electric vehicle market on the battery material industry
美国视角The US perspective:
微宏动力的美国市场突围战略 Microvast Power's US market breakthrough strategy
美国新能源布局下正极材料的机遇与挑战 Opportunities and challenges of positive electrode materials under the US new energy layout
负极材料如何顺应美国新能源发展潮流与应对贸易壁垒 How negative electrode materials can adapt to the US new energy development trend and deal with trade barriers
碳材料在中美新能源电池领域的技术角逐与合作空间 Technical competition and cooperation space of carbon materials in the field of new energy batteries between China and the United States
中美专线物流在新能源电池及材料贸易中的角色与应对策略 The role and response strategies of China-US dedicated logistics in the trade of new energy batteries and materials
美国清洁能源计划下新能源电池材料技术创新与合作路径 Technical innovation and cooperation paths of new energy battery materials under the US Clean Energy Plan
中美贸易摩擦下,新能源电池及材料企业在美国的本地化生产策略 Localized production strategies of new energy battery and material companies in the United States under the Sino-US trade friction
The impact of the US new energy vehicle subsidy policy on the battery material industry and corporate countermeasures
韩国视角South Korean perspective:
LG 关联技术在日韩新能源电池前沿应用与发展 LG related technologies in the frontier application and development of new energy batteries in Japan and South Korea
日韩正极材料市场竞争格局与创新趋势 Competitive landscape and innovation trends in the positive electrode material market in Japan and South Korea
负极材料如何契合日韩新能源产业的严苛需求 How negative electrode materials meet the stringent requirements of the new energy industry in Japan and South Korea
赛诺视角下日韩新能源储能市场的潜力与挑战 The potential and challenges of the new energy storage market in Japan and South Korea from the perspective of Sino
EPC 工程公司在日韩新能源项目中的实践与经验 The practice and experience of EPC engineering companies in new energy projects in Japan and South Korea
日本新能源汽车产业发展对电池材料供应链的影响 The impact of the development of Japan's new energy vehicle industry on the battery material supply chain
韩国新能源政策推动下的电池材料产业升级路径 The battery material industry upgrade path driven by South Korea's new energy policy
Risk assessment and response strategies for new energy projects in Japan and South Korea
票种名称 | 价格 | 原价 | 票价说明 |
普通票 | ¥2800 | ¥2800 | 参会费含会议资料、会议茶歇、会议用餐(午餐和晚宴)及会议活动等。不含差旅、住宿。 |
学生票 | ¥1500 | ¥1500 | 参会费含会议资料、会议茶歇、会议用餐(午餐和晚宴)及会议活动等。不含差旅、住宿。 |
普通票 | ¥3600 | ¥3600 | 参会费含会议资料、会议茶歇、会议用餐(午餐和晚宴)及会议活动等。不含差旅、住宿。 |
学生票 | ¥1800 | ¥1800 | 参会费含会议资料、会议茶歇、会议用餐(午餐和晚宴)及会议活动等。不含差旅、住宿。 |
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