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2019年IEEE第27届国际需求工程会议 (RE 2019)

2019年IEEE第27届国际需求工程会议 (RE 2019) 已过期

会议时间:2019-09-23 09:00至 2019-09-27 18:00结束

会议地点: Jeju Island  详细地址会前通知  None


主办单位: Ajou University

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        RE'19 will offer an extensive program of interest to academia, government and industry. It will include several distinguished keynote speakers and three conference days full of papers, panels, posters and demos. A series of exciting tutorials to develop skills in and advance awareness of requirements engineering practices is of particular interest to industry. Two days of workshops as well as doctoral symposium offer forums for participants to present cutting-edge techniques and approaches in particular fields.


        The 27th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'19) is the premier international forum for researchers, practitioners, educators, and students to present and discuss the most recent innovations, experiences, and concerns in the discipline of requirements engineering.

        The RE'19 theme isRE and Collective Intelligence in the Days of AI.RE research has a unique opportunity to lead a paradigm shift that places human and society at the forefront of the design of AI systems. Research in RE has never been more needed in AI. For example, in helping address ethical considerations in the design, use, and misuse of intelligent systems; or, in enabling the multi-disciplinary, collaborative efforts that are key to exploring and understanding the problem on a greater scale than individual decision making.

        Application of RE in the days of AI can be twofold. First, RE techniques are important to explore the complex problem space so that we design an intelligent machine that understands the nature of real-world problems and behaves accordingly. Secondly, developers need to fully understand and comprehend what people (or in a large scale ‘society’) expect from AI and articulate these expectations/values to the machine. A thorough understanding of the requirements can help negotiate the values of various stakeholders affected by AI system. Our attention shifts to asking “how do we collaborate among various groups of people with different perspectives and expectations so that we end up designing the right system with the right set of behaviors” as opposed to “how do we make a system intelligent with the latest technical achievements”. By incorporating an end-to-end collaboration of RE and Collective Intelligence in AI technologies, engineers can design a system that understands the complexity of human and environments.


        Requirements elicitation, prioritization, and negotiation

        Design thinking and open innovation

        Innovation through creativity

        Crowdsourcing and social media

        Social, cultural, and cognitive factors

        User feedback and usage monitoring

        Capturing and understanding users’ needs

        Natural language approaches

        Model-driven approaches

        Formal approaches


        Evolution and release planning


        Tools and standards

        Good-enough Requirements Engineering

        Agile and lean approaches

        Requirements engineering in Open Source

        Complex systems

        Product lines and value chains

        Software ecosystems, artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud technologies

        Requirements Engineering for Smart Cities, Cyber-Physical Systems, and Systems of Systems






        主办方:Ajou University

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        退款规则: 活动各项资源需提前采购,购票后不支持退款,可以换人参加。




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