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首页 > 商务会议 > 医疗医学会议 > 2014年冷泉港亚洲会议:疾病模型和药物研发 更新时间:2014-10-16T19:29:07


2014年冷泉港亚洲会议:疾病模型和药物研发 已过期

会议时间:2014-08-25 08:00至 2014-08-29 08:00结束

会议地点: 苏州  详细地址会前通知  



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        We are pleased to announce Cold Spring Harbor Asia conference on Disease Modeling and Drug Discovery which will be held in Suzhou, China, located approximately 60 miles west of Shanghai. The conference will begin at 7:00pm on the evening of Monday August 25, and will conclude after lunch on August 29, 2014.

        The conference will include eight oral sessions and one poster session covering the latest findings across many topics in disease modeling and drug discovery. Many talks will be selected from the openly submitted abstracts on the basis of scientific merit and relevance. Social events throughout the conference provide ample opportunity for informal interactions.

        Recent developments in stem cell biology and cellular reprogramming have catalyzed unprecedented advances in disease modeling and drug discovery. The ability to derive distinct human cell types is enabling innovative approaches to create in vitro disease models and to develop new strategies for the identification and testing of novel therapeutics. The meeting will provide an opportunity to share new ideas and information about the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), reprogramming in human oocytes using somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), the derivation and analysis of diverse human cell types, and the development of disease-in-a-dish models as well as animal models. Additionally, there will be much focus on the use of these models for understanding disease mechanisms and discovering novel drugs for treating injury and diseases. Studies focused on neurodegenerative diseases, neurological and psychiatric disorders, cardiac diseases, diabetes and aging-related disorders will be among the highlighted topics for discussion. Leading scientists from around the globe will participate in discussions and provide penetrating insights towards a deeper understanding of human diseases and rationales for the development of more effective drugs and therapeutic solutions. 

        Cardiac disease modeling and drug discovery
        Modeling psychiatric disorders using animal models
        Modeling neurodevelopmental diseases using iPSCs
        Dissecting neurodegenerative diseases using stem cells
        Drug discovery using disease models
        Cellular reprogramming
        Clinical applications of disease models
        Translating discovery to the clinics


        Keynote Speakers:
        Lorenz Studer, Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, USA
        Abstract title:TBA
        Roberto Iacone, Hoffman-La Roche Ltd, Switzerland, SWITZERLAND 
        Abstract title:Disease modeling and phenotypic drug screening for diabetic cardiomyopathy using human inducible pluripotent stem cells

        Invited Speakers:
        Anne G. Bang, Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute, USA
        Abstract title:Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells and Patient Specific Cell-Based Disease Models for Drug Discovery
        Thomas Bourgeron, Institut Pasteur, FRANCE
        Abstract title:Genes, Synapses and Autisms
        Arlene Chiu, Beckman Research Institute of City of Hope, USA
        Abstract title: The Rocky Road from Discovery to Treatment
        Ing-Ming Chiu, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan, TAIWAN
        Abstract title: Neural Stem Cells and Induced Neurons in Peripheral Nerve Injury Repair 
        Alan Colman, Harvard University / Institute of Medical Biology, Singapore
        Abstract title: The X Factor: Dynamics of X Chromosome Expression during and after Reprogramming of Human Somatic Cells 
        Dieter Egli, The New York Stem Cell Foundation Research Institute, USA
        Abstract title:Reprogramming in Human Ooyctes
        Yadong Huang, University of California San Francisco, Gladstone Institute, USA
        Abstract title: Modeling Neurodegenerative Diseases and Drug Screening Using Human iPSCs
        Haruhisa Inoue, Kyoto University, JAPAN 
        Abstract title:The Use of iPSCs toward the Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases
        Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte, the Salk Institute, USA
        Abstract title:Disease Models for Tissue and Organ Regeneration 
        Dong-Wook Kim, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea
        Abstract title: Modeling and Drug Discovery of X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy using iPS Cells
        Eric Klann, New York University, USA
        Abstract title: Translating Translational Control in Brain Disorders 
        Guo-Li Ming, Johns Hopkins University, USA
        Abstract title: Modeling Complex Psychiatric Disorders Using iPSCs
        Stephen Minger, GE Healthcare, UK
        Abstract title: Innovating Preclinical Drug Discovery and Human Cell Therapy 
        Lisa Monteggia, UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, USA
        Abstract title: Mechanism of Rapid Antidepressant Action 
        Duanqing Pei, Chinese Academy of Sciences, CHINA
        Abstract title:TBA 
        Bruno Reversade, Institute of Medical Biology, A*STAR, SINGAPORE
        Abstract title: Age-defying Proline, Because You Are Worth It 
        Yanhong Shi, Beckman Research Institute of City of Hope, USA
        Abstract title: Modeling Neurological Diseases using Patient iPSCs 
        Toru Takumi, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, JAPAN
        Abstract title: CNV Models for Autism Spectrum Disorders
        Leslie Thompson, University of California Irvine, USA
        Abstract title:Discovery and validation of therapeutic targets for Huntington's disease using HD iPS cells 
        Joseph Wu, Standford University, USA
        Abstract title: Cardiac Stem Cells for Modeling Heart Disease and for Drug Discovery
        Michael Yaffe, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, USA
        Abstract title:Large-scale Derivation and Banking of iPSCs for Complex Human Diseases 
        Su-chun Zhang, University of Wisconsin Madison, USA
        Abstract title: Dissecting Early Pathogenesis in Neural Degeneration Using Human Stem Cells







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