2014第五届“cell Death&Disease”免疫、干细胞与疾病国际研讨会
时间:2014-10-12 08:00 至 2014-10-14 08:00

- 参会报名
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2014第五届“cell Death&Disease”免疫、干细胞与疾病国际研讨会 已过期会议时间:2014-10-12 08:00至 2014-10-14 08:00结束 会议地点: 常州 详细地址会前通知 会议规模:暂无 主办单位:
为促进我国科研人员与国际科学期刊编辑之间的互动交流,尤其是转化医学领域的科研成果在国际期刊上的发表与传播,会议专设了“How to Get Published”专题会场。作为本次研讨会的主办方之一,Cell Death & Disease(CDDis)的主编和相关编辑将专程赴会作“How to Get Published”主题报告,并就期刊的办刊宗旨、专业范畴、投稿要求及评审程序等问题为与会代表作详细介绍和深入交流。CDDis系《自然》出版集团(Nature Publication Group, NPG)属下的权威医学生命科学期刊之一,创刊于2010年1月,2011年获得SCI影响因子(Impact factor) 5.3。
NPG,Cell Death & Disease
NPG,Cell Death & Differentiation
日期 | 时间 | 议程 | 地点 |
10月12日(周日) | 9:00-20:00 | 会议注册 | 明都真儒酒店 大堂 |
10月13日(周一) | 上午 | 学术报告 | 明都真儒酒店 真儒厅 |
下午 | 学术报告 | 明都真儒酒店 真儒厅 | |
10月14日(周二) | 上午 | 学术报告 | 明都真儒酒店 真儒厅 |
下午 | 学术报告 | 明都真儒酒店 真儒厅 |
Andreas Strasser, Ph.D.
Joint Head of Molecular Genetics of Cancer Division, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Melbourne, Australia.
Major research interests: (1) Molecular mechanisms of programmed cell death; (2) Role of defects in cell death in tumor development, cancer therapy and autoimmune diseases; (3) Regulation of cell death in the immune system and in embryonic development.
Cay M Kielty
Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell-Matrix Research, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Manchester, M13 9PT, United Kingdom
Xing Chang
Institute of Health Sciences, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences , Shanghai , China
Enrico BUCCI
Gerry Melino, M.D., Ph.D.
Program Leader & Head of the Apoptosis and Cancer Laboratory, Medical Research Council Toxicology Unit, UK; Professor & Departmental Director of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’, Italy; Editor-in-Chief of the journal Cell Death & Differentiation (www.nature.com/cdd) and also sites on several Editorial Boards and Scientific Advisor Boards for several Governmental Institutions.
Major research interests: (1) Programmed cell death in neural and epidermal models; (2) Function of the p53 family - p63 and p73.
Hans-Uwe Simon,MD, PhD
Professor of Pharmacology
Director, Institute of Pharmacology
Vice-Dean for Research, Medical Faculty
German by birth. Study of Medicine (1980-86) and doctoral thesis (Dr. med.) at the University of Jena, Germany. Specialization in Clinical Immunology, University of Jena. Postdoc (1990-92) at the Mount Sinai and General Hospitals, University of Toronto, Canada. Principal Investigator and Deputy Director (1992-2000) at the Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research, University of Zurich, Davos, Switzerland, with “Habilitation” in Experimental Immunology (1996). Doctoral thesis (Ph.D.; 1996-2001) at the Department of Pharmacology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Since 2000, Director of the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Bern, Switzerland. Research interests: Immunopharmacology. Role of apoptosis and autophagy in inflammatory diseases and cancer. Among other academic and administrative services, he served as President of the Swiss Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology (SSPT; 2004-2007), President of the Swiss Society of Experimental Pharmacology (SSEP; 2005-2008), President of the European Cell Death Society (ECDO; 2007-2009), and President of the Union of the Swiss Societies for Experimental Biology (USSBE; 2007-2010). Currently, he is Vice-Dean for Research of the Medical Faculty, University of Bern (2012-2016), President of the International Eosinophil Society (2013-2015), the Editor-in-Chief of Allergy, the European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, and member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences.
Huang-Tian Yang Ph.D.
Principal Investigator of Key Laboratory of Stem Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Chief of Laboratory of Molecular Cardiology, Institute of Health Sciences, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, CAS and Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine.
Major research interests: : 1) Regulation of cardiac lineage commitment of pluripotent stem cells and their application potential in myocardial regeneration and drug screen; 2) Regulation of Ca2+ signaling in cardiomyogenesis and in myocardial contraction; 3) Roles and mechanisms of intermittent hypoxia- and natural compounds- induced cardioprotection against ischemic injury and their therapeutic significance.
John Silke PhD.
Lab Head, Cell Signalling & Cell Death Division, WEHI.
Major research interests:regulation and initiation of inflammation by cIAPs, RIP Kinases, TNF and cell death, partciularly necroptosis. Favour using genetic and small molecule tools to interrogate these pathways.
Duanqin Pei
Youcun Qian
Institute of Health Sciences, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences , Shanghai , China
Rongfu Wang, Ph.D.
Professor of Microbiology and Immunology
Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University
Director, Center for Inflammation and Epigenetics
Houston Methodist Research Institute
Scott W. Lowe
Scott W. Lowe is the Chair of the Cancer Biology and Genetics Program at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) in New York City. He is also Chair of the Geoffrey Beene Cancer Research Center and an Investigator for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Dr. Lowe received a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he worked for several years studying the molecular basis of hypercholesterolemia. He performed his graduate studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology under the supervision of Dr. H. Earl Ruley, and received his Ph.D. for research on the role of the p53 tumor suppressor in oncogenic transformation, apoptosis, and chemosensitivity. After a brief postdoctoral position in the MIT Center for Cancer Research with Drs. David Housman and Tyler Jacks, Dr. Lowe initiated independent research at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory as a Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Fellow and then as a member of the faculty. Dr. Lowe's research has made important contributions to our understanding of the p53 tumor suppressor network, as well as the processes of multi-step carcinogenesis, cellular senescence, and tumor-cell drug resistance. Current research is based on the premise that the path of cancer evolution dictates a tumor’s subsequent response to therapy and creates unique vulnerabilities that represent therapeutic opportunities. Hence, the laboratory applies mouse models, RNA interference and cancer genomics in a coordinated effort to identify cancer drivers and dependencies that will be useful therapeutic targets relevant to specific cancer genotypes. Dr. Lowe’s work has been recognized by several awards, including a Sydney Kimmel Foundation Scholar Award, a Rita Allen Foundation Scholar Award, the AACR Outstanding Investigator Award, the Paul Marks Prize for Cancer Research, the Kunio Yagi Medal, and the Alfred G. Knudsen Award. He also has been inducted as a Fellow in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Sharad Kumar, MSc, PhD, FAA
Sharad Kumar is the co-Director of the Centre for Cancer Biology, a Research Professor and Chair of Cancer Biology at the University of South Australia, and an affiliated Professor at the University of Adelaide. His laboratory discovered a number of key regulatory genes, including the developmentally regulated Nedd genes, such as Nedd1, a key centrosomal protein required for tubulin recruitment; Nedd2 (caspase-2), the first known apoptotic mammalian caspase; Nedd4, the first WW-HECT type of ubiquitin-protein ligase; Nedd5 (Sept2), the first characterised mammalian septin; and Nedd8, a ubiquitin-like protein involved in a protein modification pathway, now widely known as neddylation. The laboratory also discovered a large part of the Drosophila cell death machinery and a number of proteins that regulate the function of Nedd4 ubiquitin ligases. His group now studies caspase biology and functions in tumor suppression, mechanisms of developmentally programmed cell death, and the physiological functions and regulation of the Nedd4 family members. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, the 2013 ASBMB Lemberg Medallist and winner of the 2013 FAOBMB Research Excellence Award.
Sidong Xiong
苏州大学特聘教授 生物医学研究院院
Yufang Shi, Ph.D.
PI/Director, the Institute of Health Sciences, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences/Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine; Editor-in-Chief of the journal Cell Death & Disease (www.nature.com/cddis).
Major research interests: (1) Molecular mechanisms of activation-induced cell death in T cell subpopulations; (2) Understanding how immunosuppression is mediated in mesenchymal stem cells; (3) Tumor stroma and tumor immunology.
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