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2018第四届发育和疾病的表观遗传学上海国际研讨会 已过期
会议时间:2018-09-18 08:00至 2018-09-21 18:00结束 会议地点: 上海 复旦大学附属中山医院 斜士路1609号 会议规模:暂无 主办单位: 生物360 |
会议内容 主办方介绍

表观遗传学 (Epigenetics) 是论及决定细胞时代间基因组转录记忆的与 DNA 序列改变无关的信号,介导者和机制的学科。表观遗传事件通过对 DNA 和组蛋白的共价修饰,以转录的 RNA 和翻译的蛋白的方式,调节和功能化地展示编码在 DNA 序列中遗传的结构信息,继而产生在时空多维空间无限多样的表型。健康表观遗传稳态是确保高等生物发育过程中细胞分化和谱系化正常开展所依据的优态基因组表达的必要前提。基因组表观遗传信息界面的异常是包括肿瘤,代谢类和神经系统疾病在内的疾患的病因, 病理学机制之一。
第四届发育和疾病的表观遗传学上海国际研讨会将于 2018 年 9 月 18-21 日,在上海举行。为了加大学术交流的力度,除了 6 个主题 /36 个 25 分钟报告以外,我们还安排了 12 个 10 分钟报告。后者是从两个时长 1.5 小时的墙报摘要者中遴选出来的。此次,与会者将受邀于 19 日和 20 日晚与演讲嘉宾共进晚宴,获得优秀墙报证书和 500 元的现金奖励。
时间: 2018-09-18 至 2018-09-21
地点:复旦大学附属中山医院 18 号楼 3 楼福庆厅(上海市徐汇区枫林路 179 号)
1. DNA 修饰的化学和生物学主题;
2. 组蛋白修饰的化学和生物学主题;
3. 转录的化学生物学和表观调控主题
4. 临床表观遗传学主题;
5. 染色质高级结构的化学和生物学主题;
6. 发育的表观遗传学

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18th, Sept, 2018 13:00-17:30 会前会 | ||
DNA 甲基化专题研讨会 | ||
13:00-14:00 | 会议注册 | |
14:00-14:30 | DNA 甲基化在皮肤病研究中的进(TBD) | 张学军教授安徽医科大学 |
14:30-15:00 | DNA 甲基化在液体活检中的应用 | 戴珩 博士中科普瑞 CTO |
15:00-15:30 | 甲基化在鼻咽癌中的预后作用及机制研究 | 柳娜 博士(马骏教授团队) 中山大学肿瘤防治中心 |
15:30-15:50 | 茶歇 | |
15:50-16:20 | Epigenome-wide association study identifies Behcet's diseaseassociated methylation loci in Han Chinese | 于红松 教授遵义医学院 |
16:20-17:00 | 后基因组时代下的甲基化多组学研究策略 | 李明辉 博士 表观星图计划首席科学家 中科普瑞科研服务技术产品总监 |
17:00-17:30 | 互动讨论:表观星图项目 | 朱景德、张学军、柳娜、 于红松、戴珩、李明辉 |
19th, Sept, 2018 | ||
8:30-8:40 | Opening | |
I. Chemical and Biological Perspectives of DNA Modifications | ||
Chair of the first half part: Kazu Ushijima (Tokyo) | ||
8:40-9:05 | A vitamin C-derived DNA modification | Guoliang Xu (Academia Sinica,Shanghai) |
9:05-9:25 | Aging, epigenetic clocks and cancer risk | Andrew Teschendorff |
9:25-9:50 | Active DNA Demethylation by Vertebrate DNA Methyltransferases | James Shen (AcademiaSinica,Taipei) |
9:50-10:00 | The DNA modification landscape of human genome: anexperience of HuaXia1 genome/ Third-Generation Sequencing. | Depeng Wang (GrandomicsBiosciences) |
10:00-10:10 | N6-Methyladenine DNA Modification in the Human Genome | Chuanle Xiao (ZhongshanOphthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University) |
10:10-10:35 | Break+Group Photograph | |
Chair of the second half part : Fei Lan (FuDan University) | ||
10:35-11:00 | Structural Insight into dynamic regulation of DNA methylation | Yanhui Xu (FudanUniversity) |
11:00-11:25 | DNA 5-Hydroxymethylcytosines from Cell-free Circulating DNAasDiagnostic Biomarkers for Human Cancers | Xingyu Lu (Shanghai) |
11:25-11:35 | Bisulfite-free, nano-scale analysis of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine atsingle base resolution. | Hu Zeng(Peking University) |
11:35-11:45 | BRIF-seq: bisulfite-converted randomly integrated fragmentssequencing at single cell level | Xiang Li (HuazhongAgricultural University) |
11:45-11:55 | The role of differentially methylated regions in normalhematopoiesis and leukemogenesis | Pengxu Qian (ZhejiangUniverisity) |
11:55-13:00 | Lunch | |
13:00-14:30 | Poster session Chair: Guohong Li | |
14:30-14:40 | Decoding the epigenetic landscape by the histone readers:implications in human diseases | Chandrima Das |
14:40-14:50 | Epigenome reprogramming as a basis for combination therapy | Naoko Hattori |
II.Chemical and Biological Perspectives of histone modifications | ||
Chair of the first half part : Youngjun Kim(Korea, Seul) | ||
14:50-15:15 | Structure and function of yeats domain in health and disease | Haitao Li (TsinghuaUniversity), |
15:15-15:40 | The dynamic regulation of histone methylation | Fei Lan (Fudan University) |
15:40-16:05 | De-acetylation and Epigenomic regulation | Ullas Kolthur-Seetharam (Tata Institute, India) |
16:05-16:30 | Metabolic regulation of gene expression | Zhimin Lu (MD Anderson) |
16:30-16:50 | Tea Break | |
Chair of the second half part: Lijung Juan (Academia Sinica, Taipei) | ||
16:50-17:15 | Epgenetics and Adipogenesis: Implications of HistonemodificationsLanguages | Tapas K. Kundu (India) |
17:15-17:25 | UTX functions as an escape from X-inactivation tumor-suppressorin B cell lymphoma | Hai Jiang (Academica Sinica,Shanghai) |
17:25-17:35 | Discovery and Functional Insight of a SIRT6 Allosteric | Xiuyan Yang (Shanghai JiaoTong University School ofMedicine) |
20th, Sept, 2018 | ||
III. Chemical and epigenetic regulation of transcription | ||
Chair of the first half part: Shyam PRABHAKAR (Singapore) | ||
8:30-8:55 | R-loopsin physiology and pathology | Xiangdong Fu (UCSD) |
8:55-9:20 | Epigenetic Regulation of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Development | Feng Liu (AcademiaSinica,Beijing) |
9:20-9:50 | The Diversity and Function of Long Noncoding RNAs | Lingling Chen (AcademiaSinica,Shanghai) |
9:50-10:15 | Cis-acting lncRNAs in transcription and chromatin regulation | Xiaohua Shen (TsinghuaUniversity) |
10:15-10:40 | Tea Break | |
Chair of the second half part: Hongkui Deng (Peking University) | ||
10:40-11:05 | R-loop, the general chromatin feature in Arabidopsis genomes | Qianwen Sun(TsinghuaUniversity) |
11:05-11:30 | Re-thinking the coding capacity of non-coding RNA | Zefeng Wang (AcademiaSinica,Shanghai) |
11:30-11:55 | A long noncoding RNA in telomere maintenance, gene regulationandinter-chromosomal pairing | Hsueh-Ping Chu (NationalTaiwanUniversity) |
11:55-12:05 | Single-cell Landscape during Cell-fate conversion | Yuin-Han Jonathan LOH |
12:05-13:10 | Lunch | |
Short-talks Chair: Yanhui Xu | ||
13:10-13:20 | A new layer of rRNA regulation by small interference RNAs andthe nuclear RNAi pathway | Shouhong Guang (Universityof Science and Technology ofChina) |
13:20-13:30 | m6A methyltransferase complex regulates hematopoietic ste-mcell selfrenewal in the bone marrow | Bo Zhou(AcademiaSinica,Shanghai) |
13:30-13:40 | RNA m6A Modifications in T Cell Differentiation and Inflammation | Huabing Li (Shanghai JiaoTong University School ofMedicine) |
13:40-13:50 | Function and mechanism of 2OG-oxygenase JMJD6 in breastcarcinogenesis | Wen Liu(Xiamen University ) |
IV.Clinical Epigenetics | ||
Chair of the first half part : Tapas Kundu(India) | ||
13:50-14:15 | Implication of Long Non-coding RNAs in Cancer Biology | Yutaka Kondo(NagoyaUniversity, Japan) |
14:40-15:05 | Global transcriptional memory is mediated by H3K4me3-Rpd3LHDAC pathway | TaeSoo Kim |
15:05-15:30 | Whole-genome and epigenomic landscapes of etiologicallydistinctsubtypes of cholangiocarcinoma | Teh Bin Tean (CancerCenter,Singapore), |
15:30-15:55 | Functional prediction of causal regulatory variants identifies anovelautism gene | Jung Kyoon Choi (Korea) |
15:55-16:20 | Tea Break | |
Chair of the second half part: Zefeng Wang (Academia Sinica) | ||
16:20-16:45 | Histone acetylome-wide association study identifies epigenetic changesand a protective host response mechanism to infection | ShyamPRABHAKAR |
16:45-16:55 | Characterization of interaction modes between the BRMbromodomain and inhibitors in the limit of NMR intermediateexchange | Ke Ruan(University of Scienceand Technology of China) |
16:55-17:05 | Biochemical studies and molecular dynamic simulations reveal themolecular basis of conformational changes in dnamethyltransferase-1 (dnmt1) | Shijie Chen (Academia Sinica,Shanghai) |
17:05-17:15 | Drug discovery of protein-protein interactions by targeting epi-modification sites of untargetable protein | Wenchao Lu ( Academia Sinica,Shanghai) |
21st, Sept, 2018 | ||
V.Chemical and biological perspectives of the higher-orderchromatin structure | ||
Chair of the first half part: Young-Joon Kim(Korea) | ||
8:30-8:55 | Crosstalk between histone modifications duringheterochromatinassembly | Jun-ichi Nakayama (Tokyo,Japan) |
8:55-9:20 | Dynamic regulation of higher-order chromatin structures ingeneregulation | Guohong Li (AdademiaSinica,Beijing) |
9:20-9:45 | Reprogramming of chromatin architecture in earlymammaliandevelopment | Wei Xie (Tsinghua University) |
9:45-10:10 | Combinatorial mechanisms in 3D genome folding andtranscriptionregulation | Yijun Ruan (Jackson Lab,USA) |
10:10-10:30 | Tea Break | |
Chair of the second half part: Lingling Chen (Academia Sinica,Shanghai) | ||
10:30-10:55 | Systematic Mapping of RNA-Chromatin Interactions In Vivo | Sheng Zhong (UCSD) |
10:55-11:05 | Multisite substrate recognition in Asf1-dependent acetylation ofhistone H3 K56 by Rtt109 | Lin Zhang ( Academia Sinica,Beijing) |
11:05-11:15 | 3D Genome of Multiple Myeloma Reveals Spatial GenomeDisorganization Associated with Copy Number Variations | Cheng Li (Peking University) |
11:15-11:25 | Chromatin remodelling during brain development | Weijun Feng (FudanUniversity) |
11:25-11:35 | ||
11:35-11:45 | A novel RNA epigenetic mechanism: m6A RNA-mediated celldamage response | Chih-Hung Hsu (ZhejiangUniverisity) |
11:45-13:00 | Lunch | |
VI. Developmental Epigenetics | ||
Chair of the first half part: Guoliang Xu (Academia Sinica,Shanghai) | ||
13:00-13:25 | Epigenetic programming by maternal behavior | Moshe Szyf (Canada, McGillUniversity ) |
13:25-13:50 | Single-cell multi-omics sequencing of mouse early embryosandembryonic stem cells | Fuchou Tang (PekingUniversity) |
13:50-14:00 | Chromatin Accessibility Landscape in Human Early Embryos andIts Association with Evolution | Lei Gao (Academia Sinica,Beijing) |
14:00-14:10 | Dnmt2 mediates intergenerational transmission of paternallyacquired metabolic disorders through sperm small non-codingRNAs | Yunfang Zhang (The ThirdMilitary Medical University) |
14:10-14:20 | lncRNA-MIR100HG derived miR-100 and miR-125b mediatecetuximab resistance via Wnt/β-catenin signaling in colorectalcancer | Yuanyuan Lu (The FourthMilitary Medical University) |
14:20-14:30 | Stella safeguards the oocyte methylome by preventing excessivede novo methylation mediated by DNMT1 | Zhuqiang Zhang (AcademiaSinica) |
14:30-14:50 | Tea Break | |
Chair of the second half part: Xiangdong Fu(UCSD) | ||
14:50-15:00 | Spatio-temporal dynamics of chromatin in developmentalhematopoietic cells initiating the oncogenic alterations | Dengli Hong (Shanghai JiaoTong University School ofMedicine) |
15:00-15:25 | MAnorm2: quantitative comparison of ChIP-seq samplesongroup level to identify sex-biased histone modification sites | Zhen Shao(AcademiaSinica,Shanghai) |
15:25-15:50 | Small Molecule-induced Cell Fate Reprogramming | Hongkui Deng(PekingUniversity) |
15:50-16:00 | Closing |
会议门票 交通住宿指南 场馆介绍
多人参会优惠: 2 人以上(含 2 人),打 9 折; 4 人以上(含 4 人),打 8.25 折; 7 人以上(含 7 人),打 7.5 折;
票务类型 | 07-01 至 09-21 | 当前价格 |
学术界 | 2860.00 | 2860.00 |
学生 | 1950.00 | 1950.00 |
企业 | 3250.00 | 3250.00 |
- 如果您是以学生身份参会,请在现场签到的时候出示您的学生证。
- 请在相应优惠的截止日前完成您的支付,否则系统会将您的优惠转入下一个优惠阶段。
- 注册费不包括: 酒店费用,交通费用。
- 网上报名截止日期:2018 年 09 月 21 日。
- 注册付费的与会者将获得:1. 紫砂杯,价值 100 元;2.《 表观遗传学与精准医学 》一书, 价值 318 元。
- 发票一经开出,无法更改信息重新补开,请确保信息准确无误;
- 会前一周缴费,发票现场认领;现场缴费,将在活动结束后一周内寄出。
- 2018 年 9 月 18 日前(含当天)申请退款只退实际支付金额的 70%,退款事宜将在会后 10 个工作日内办理;
- 2018 年 9 月 18 日后申请退款的将不予退款。
地址:复旦大学附属中山医院 18 号楼 3 楼福庆厅(上海市徐汇区枫林路 179 号)
地址: 上海徐汇区肇嘉浜路 500 号
酒店电话: 400-172-1188
房型 |
市场挂牌价 (RMB/Day) |
参会者优惠价 (RMB/Day) |
标准间 |
798 |
请联系询问 |
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1. 距离上海虹桥火车站约 15.3 公里 乘坐地铁 2 号线广兰路方向 ,在静安寺站下车,换乘地铁 7 号线 ( 花木路方向
),在肇嘉浜路站 下车 (3 号口出),步行约 350 米。乘坐出租车约 53 元,50 分钟。
2. 距离上海火车站 18 公里,乘坐地铁 1 号线(莘庄方向)常熟路 站 下车换乘地铁 7 号线(花木路方向)在肇嘉浜路 站 下车 (3 号口出),步行约 350 米。
3. 距离浦东国际机场 55 公里,乘坐地铁 2 号线东延伸段(广兰路方向)浦东国际机场站上车广兰路站 下车 ,换乘 地铁 2 号线 (徐泾东方向)世纪大道 站 下车 换乘 地铁 9 号线 (松江南站方向), 肇嘉浜路 站 (4 口出) 下车步行约 400 米。距离徐家汇商圈 1 公里,乘坐出租车约 5 -10 分钟。
从酒店门口右转(向西),沿肇嘉浜路走约 60 米,上天桥后左转,下天桥后沿枫林路直行(向南),约 350 米后到达中山医院 18 号楼。

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