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首页 > 商务会议 > 能源化工会议 > 2015年FMB亚洲化肥会议 更新时间:2015-01-13 12:09:57


2015年FMB亚洲化肥会议 已过期

会议时间:2015-04-15 08:00至 2015-04-17 18:00结束

会议地点: 北京  北京金茂威斯汀酒店  朝阳区东三环北路7号



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        Learn: Hear the latest market developments from industry experts and analysts during two mornings of insightful discussions

        Explore: Our exhibition space features the latest technology, equipment, logistics and service providers from around the world 

        Discuss: The 2014 conference covered policy and sourcing challenges involved in exporting from China. Hear more about the latest market developments at the 2015 event

        Meet: Establish contact with the major suppliers and buyers throughout Asia, the Indian subcontinent and the far east

        会议地点:北京朝阳区 威斯汀酒店





        Conference chairperson: Xie Fang, Senior Analyst, Argus FMB
        Conference chairperson: Mike Nash, Editor, Argus FMB Phosphates, Argus FMB
        Ying Wang, Director of Research Department, China Phosphate Fertilizer Industry Association (CPFIA)
        Wu Kai, Director of Marketing & Business Development Asia, Petrosul International
        Matt Albrecht, Senior Vice President, Marketing, Canpotex
        Steve Mitchell, Editor - Argus FMB Nitrogen, Argus FMB
        Satish Chander, Director General, The Fertiliser Association of India (FAI)
        En. Hisham B Mohamad, Head of Marketing and Sales, Petronas
        A.H.Biswas, Managing Director, BTC Group
        Takashi Sumi, President & CEO, Atlas Fertilizers Corporation
        Steven Sutanto, Global Product Manager Fertilizer, Sandvik Process Systems
        Zhai Jidong, COO, Kingenta Ecological Engineering
        Ming Xian Fan, Ph.D, Director, China Program, ZNI International Zinc Association








         Wednesday 15 April
        10:00 - 17:00 Registration
        Coffee served and exhibition stands open           
        18:00 - 20:00 Opening Cocktail Party
        Hosted by Canpotex and Sinofert
        Thursday 16 April
        9:10 Chairs Opening Remarks 
        Xie Fang, Senior Analyst, Argus FMB
        9:20 Developments and Progress in Chinese Fertilizer Production
        9:50 Implications of an Extended Low Export Tax Window
        ♦What will volume exports from China look like next year?            
        ♦Domestic vs export
        ♦Likely effect of increased Chinese supply         
        ♦Expected export volumes and trends            
        ♦How the tax system will work            
        ♦Potential price consequences for N&P            
        ♦Where are exports going?
        Mike Nash, Editor - Argus FMB Phosphates, Argus FMB
        10:20 Prospects for Chinese Phosphates Producers – Supply Volumes and Consumption Impacts in China          
        ♦Balancing domestic vs export opportunities
        ♦Decisions and situations exporters will face
        ♦Production costs outlook
        ♦2015 export prospects

        Ying Wang, Director of Research Department, China Phosphate Fertilizer Industry

        Association (CPFIA)

        10:50 - 11:20 Networking Coffee Break
        11:10 Overview of the Global Potash Market         
        ♦Trade flow changes            
        ♦Market developments
        Matt Albrecht, Senior Vice President, Marketing, Canpotex
        11:50 Changing Trends in the Asian Ammonium Sulphate Market
        ♦Shipments from China to South East Asia
        ♦Outlook for trade volumes
        ♦Increased export volumes from China
        ♦Growth impact on global market and Malaysia
        Steve Mitchell, Editor - Argus FMB Nitrogen, Argus FMB
         12:20 Assessing Global Sources of Sulphur Supply and Reviewing Consumption Requirements
        ♦Sulphur trade flow outlook            
        ♦Latest changes in production volumes            
        ♦China's domestic production vs import needs
        Wu Kai, Director of Marketing and Business Development Asia, Petrosul International
        12:50 - 14:30 Lunch
        14:30 - 15:45 Panel Discussion - Growing Demand in South East Asia and Changing Trade Flows 

        This session will focus on bulk shipments from China to South East Asia, the outlook for trade

        volumes and how China fit’s globally with these developments.

         A.H.Biswas, Managing Director, BTC Group
         Takashi Sumi, President & CEO, Atlas Fertilizers Corporation
         Wong Beng Fuat, Marketing Director, Agromate Holdings 
        18:00 - 20:00 Closing Cocktail Party
        Friday 17 April
        9:20 Chair's Opening Remarks 
        Mike Nash, Editor, Argus FMB Phosphates, Argus FMB
        9:30 Growth for Fertilizers in India
        10:00 Outlook for the Indian Market
        ♦Balanced fertilization in India
        ♦Strategy for increasing domestic production
        ♦Will urea demand decrease?
        ♦Subsidy and approaching policy change       
        Satish Chander, Director General, The Fertiliser Association of India (FAI) 
        10:30 Impact of New Urea Projects on the Asian Market
        ♦Proposed projects
        ♦Analysis of the current urea market
        ♦Forecast for the future
        En. Hisham B Mohamad, Head of Marketing and Sales, Petronas
        11:00 - 11:30 Networking Coffee Break
        11:30 Producing Enhanced Urea and Sulphur-Based Fertilizers

        ♦Current crop nutrient situation, low urea (nitrogen) application

        efficiency and environmental impact

        ♦Mixing sulphur, nitrogen and other micronutrients in fertilizers
        ♦Rotoform pastillation to create specialties
        Steven Sutanto, Global Product Manager Fertilizer, Sandvik Process Systems

        Water Soluble Fertilizers and Micronutrients for Efficient Nutrient

        and Water Use in Asia-Pacific

        ♦Balanced fertilizer use requirements to ensure future food and nutrition security

        ♦The use of water soluble NPKs for crop production in Asia-Pacific and improvements

        to nutrient and water use efficiency

        ♦Micronutrients for increasing performance of NPKs and human health improvement
        Zhai Jidong, COO, Kingenta Ecological Engineering
        12:30 Growth in Micronutrients in Asia
        ♦Developments in production of micronutrients
        ♦Is micronutrient consumption increasing?
        ♦Expectations for the future
        Ming Xian Fan, Ph.D, Director, China Program, ZNI International Zinc Association
        13:00 - 14:30 Lunch
        14:30 End of Conference


        酒店与住宿: 为防止极端情况下活动延期或取消,建议“异地客户”与活动家客服确认参会信息后,再安排出行与住宿。
        退款规则: 活动各项资源需提前采购,购票后不支持退款,可以换人参加。

        标签: 化肥 化工




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