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首页 > 商务会议 > 金融财经会议 > 第七届全球供应链管理会议(GSCM 2015) 更新时间:2015-01-31 14:38:26

第七届全球供应链管理会议(GSCM 2015)

第七届全球供应链管理会议(GSCM 2015) 已过期

会议时间:2015-03-27 08:00至 2015-03-29 18:00结束

会议地点: 杭州  详细地址会前通知  



发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票

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        On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to extend a warm welcome and sincere greeting to all the guests, both the overseas professors and the domestic friends. Thank you for your valuable time. It is our pleasure and great honor to have you here and I promise that Zhejiang University will be your warm home forever!

        ​This conference is organized by Zhejiang University, and sponsored by Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou Dianzi University, and Zhejiang Gongshang University. It is partially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China.

        This conference aims to provide an interactive platform for international academics and industry practitioners to discuss the popular issues related to global supply chain management in emerging economies. Hope this conference become a critical link in helping scholars, companies and governments in both emerging economies and developed countries investigate, discuss and understand the opportunities and challenges of global supply chain management in emerging economies.

        I also hope our students can take this opportunity to learn from our well-known experts and our faculty members can establish long-term cooperation with our friends. I wish our invited guests have a pleasant stay in Zhejiang University.

        To conclude, may I wish this international conference a great success, and my best wishes to all of you, the honorable guests!


        1、Internet-based global supply chain management; 2、E-commerce based supply chain management;
        3、Green supply chain and social responsibility; 4、Global supply chain management base on social network;
        5、Globalization of Chinese enterprises; 6、Risk management of global supply chain;
        7、Emergency logistics and humanitarian supply chain management; 8、Maritime logistics and supply chain management;
        9、Intermodal coordination in global logistic network; 10、Innovation in global supply chain;
        11、Innovation in third-part logistics and fourth-part logistics; 12、Global supply chain negotiations and contracts;
        13、Supply chain finance; 14、Socio-political issues in global supply chain management;
        15、Effective linkage mechanisms of expanding front- and back-end supply chains; 16、Issues related to synergy effects of supply chain design, business eco-system and innovation;





        March 27 10:00-20:00 Conference registration
        March 28 08:30-09:00 Welcome speech
        09:00-09:10 Photo time
        09:10-09:55 Keynote speech 1 (Lecturer: Ms. Feng Wei)
        09:55-10:10 Tea break
        10:10-10:55 Keynote speech 2 (Lecturer: Mr. Chunxiao Liang)
        11:00-12:30 Session time
        12:30-14:00 Lunch time
        14:00-15:30 Session time
        15:30-15:50 Tea break
        15:50-17:20 Session time
        18:00-20:00 Dinner (including the Award Ceremony for the special paper awards and the case competition awards) and keynote speech 3(Lecturer: Prof. Takahiro Fujimoto)
        March 29 08:30-10:30 Session time
        10:30-10:50 Tea break
        10:50-12:00 Panel discussion
        12:00-13:30 Leave or Lunch time
        13:30 Company tour




        Takahiro (Taka) FUJIMOTO

        Professor of Faculty of Economics, The University of Tokyo
        Executive Director, Manufacturing Management Research Center
        Senior Research Associate, Harvard Business School

        Professor Takahiro Fujimoto specializes in technology and operations management. He graduated from Tokyo University and joined Mitsubishi Research Institute in 1979, and received doctoral degree from Harvard Business School in 1989.
        Fujimoto’s main publications in English include: Competing to Be Really, REALLY Good(2007), The Evolution of a Manufacturing System at Toyota (1999) and Product Development Performance: Strategy, Organization, and Management in the World Auto Industry (1991) with Kim B. Clark.

        Chunxiao LIANG(梁春晓)

        Senior Researcher, Alibaba Group
        Vice President, Alibaba Group

        Chunxiao Liang is the senior researcher, vice president of the Alibaba Group, and the committee member of Information Society 50 Forum. He serves as the executive director of the Chinese Information Economy Society, the expert committee member of ECTE (Expert Committee for Telecommunication Economy), and also a member of Advisory Committee for Beijing Information.
        Liang has long been focusing on e-commerce, network economy and information society. His significant views and concepts include “E-Commerce Industry”,“Three Key Points for Developing E-Commerce”, ”Service Industry for E-Commerce”,” Eco-System for E-commerce”, “Three Stages for the Development of Online Business ”and the feature of business for e-commerce. He also participated in the 11th Five-Year Plan for E-Commerce Development by the national Development and Reform Commission, and the Chinese Electronic Commerce Report by the Ministry of Commerce. In addition, more recent books include Service for E-Commerce, E-Business Wins the World: New Perspective of Alibaba , Search Revolution, E-Commerce: From Idea to Action, and Introduction to E-Commerce.

        Feng WEI(魏凤)

        Senior Engineer
        Deputy Director of the Intelligent Transportation System and Transition of vehicular networking office, China Transport Telecommunication & Information Center

        Feng Wei is mainly responsible for Intelligent Transportation System, Internet of things and RFID, modern Logistics technology and platform, technology standards, and logistics integrated information services. She serves as the panel member of the 10th Five Years Key Programs for Science and Technology Development of China, the member of the national logistics technology standards committee, the working group expert of "China Radio Frequency Identification policy white paper", the planning expert of "RFID technology and application" (863 major Program), and the Vice President of Northeast Asia logistics information service network (NEAL-NET).
        Wei undertakes a series of Logistics technology and standard programs in the 10th, 11th and 12th Five-Year Plans, and Provides guidelines for the development of Internet technology in China. She currently is responsible for national Science-technology support plan (Regional logistics resource sharing service platform research and application) for 12th five-year plan.




        GSCM 2015 Conference registration includes:

        all conference materials
        all sessions from Mar 27-29, 2015
        lunch and coffee breaks from Mar 28-29, 2015
        dinner on Mar 28, 2015



        酒店与住宿: 为防止极端情况下活动延期或取消,建议“异地客户”与活动家客服确认参会信息后,再安排出行与住宿。
        退款规则: 活动各项资源需提前采购,购票后不支持退款,可以换人参加。

        标签: 经济 GSCM 供应链


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