Access Alts 2017 中国另类投资峰会
时间:2017-09-18 08:00 至 2017-09-19 18:00
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Access Alts 2017 中国另类投资峰会 已过期会议时间:2017-09-18 08:00至 2017-09-19 18:00结束 会议地点: 上海 上海凯宾斯基大酒店 上海浦东新区陆家嘴环路1288号 会议规模:暂无 主办单位: AccessAlts
会议内容 主办方介绍
Access Alts 2017 中国另类投资峰会宣传图
Access Alts 2017 中国另类投资峰会将把中国另类投资基金(对冲基金、私募股权基金、风险投资家、期货顾问、定量基金、房地产&基建基金、以及创业公司)与中国及全球投资者连接在一起。
中国峰会不仅随着2017年3月Access Alts Asia 纽约峰会的成功先例。更有Access Alts 团队在过去数十载累积的经验和丰富的人际网络的优势,经验与人际关系主要集中在中国潜力与对冲基金方面以及美国大型分配者,包括Harvard, Caltech, Ford, UTIMCO, YMCA, CALSTERS。
随着中国即将参与 MSCI,这使中国成为了我们人生其中一个绝佳的机会. 尽管如此这个拥有9万亿的经济体对于国际投资者来说仍然是一个复杂的沼泽。 本地的观点与人际关系是成功的关键。 Access Alts 中国高峰会正在建立首个中美管道, 带着来自最大对冲基金投资者,风险投资者和私募股权投资者,超过2万亿美元的资产。
这个峰会将会展示新兴 Alpha 在健康保健,科技和消费者方面的机会。 以罕见的新视野,为您勾画中国未来将成为的创意枢纽.
With combined assets of over US$ 2.1 trillion, the Access Alts Summit attendees represent premier hedge funds, VC funds, PE funds, institutional investors, impact investors, endowments & foundations and family offices across China and the rest of the world.
About Us
Access Alts Asia is an exclusive Asian Alternatives intelligence and allocation platform, providing high-end connectivity between allocator to allocator, manager to allocator, and asset owners to assets.
The Access Alts China Asia Alternatives will be convened out of a desire to create a conduit between the East and the West, bringing together top LPs, GPs, thought leaders and policy makers interested in the China alternatives investing space.
The Summit is on track to have record attendance, with some of the biggest US institutional investors, China conglomerates, Asian Sovereign Wealth Funds, multi-billion Dollar China Family Offices, influential China hedge fund, PE and VC speakers in attendance.
Total assets represented to date are over US$2.1 trillion.
Ultimately, the aim is to create a discreet "Endowments, Foundations, SWFs, Family Offices and Impact Investor Club" straddling both continents, and allowing a free flow of ideas, capital and investment opportunities between its constituents.
The Differentiator
Like All AccessAlts events, the China Alternatives Global Summit 2017 will be defined by two characteristics: It will be Bold and it will be underpinned by Predictive Intelligence.
Apart from highlighting some of the hottest alpha themes, including sectors such as tech/consumer/healthcare in China, it will not shy away from discussing toxic issues such as non-performing loans, corporate governance and volatility that characterize China. Speakers will also showcase ideas on the Private Equity and Venture Capital side.
In addition, it will explore game-changing themes such as Big Data, Behavorial Science, Artificial Intelligence, Managed Accounts, Fintech, Digital Marketing, Impact Investing and Philanthropy – in short, trends that will redefine the Asian, and indeed, the global, hedge fund industry in the years to come.
Come be a part of the AccessAlts family of game changers!
Who should attend?
Global allocators (Pension plans, Endowments, Foundations and Family Offices) looking to play the Asia story
China allocators (SWFs, Family Offices, Wealth managers, High Net Worths)
Top Global Hedge Funds aiming for a China footprint
Emerging China managers – looking for capital
Top Sunshine Funds
Top China Private Equity and Venture Capital Funds
Asian & US regulators and Thought Leaders
Key Service Providers in China (Prime Brokers, Fund Administrators, Law Firms, Brokers, Stock Exchanges, Data Providers, Research Houses, Consultants, Third Party Marketers and Technology Providers)
Why Should You Attend?
Discover the opportunity set in high-potential but opaque Asian markets
For Allocators - Powerful peer connectivity and discovering emerging China talent
For China Funds - High-end networking and interaction with some of the world’s top allocators.
Global Funds - Create effective success strategies in China
Service Providers - Very limited Service Provider tickets allow exclusive access to top investors
All - Identify compelling investment themes, sectors & companies in China today/ Navigate complex regulatory regimes/ harness disruptive changes and technology to redefine your businesses.
About Us Access Alts Asia is an exclusive Asian Alternatives intelligence and allocation platform, providing high-end connectivity between allocator to allocator, manager to allocator, and asset owners to assets. The Access Alts China Asia Alternatives will be convened out of a desire to create a conduit between the East and the West, bringing together top LPs, GPs, thought leaders and policy makers interested in the China alternatives investing space. The Summit is on track to have record attendance, with some of the biggest US institutional investors, China conglomerates, Asian Sovereign Wealth Funds, multi-billion Dollar China Family Offices, influential China hedge fund, PE and VC speakers in attendance.
会议日程 (最终日程以会议现场为准)
会议嘉宾 (最终出席嘉宾以会议现场为准)
会议门票 场馆介绍
经理/顾问/咨询顾问/组合基金票 6800元
有限的服务供应商票 19700元
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