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首页 > 商务会议 > 能源化工会议 > 2016-ECCE Asia国际会议 更新时间:2015-12-08 16:07:19

2016-ECCE Asia国际会议

2016-ECCE Asia国际会议 已过期

会议时间:2016-05-22 08:00至 2016-05-25 18:00结束

会议地点: 合肥  合肥白金汉爵大酒店  合肥滨湖新区徽州大道5111号


主办单位: IPEMC 2016-ECCE 亚洲组委会

发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票

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        热情欢迎并诚挚邀请你们参加the 8th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference 2016-ECCE Asia并为其做出贡献。IPEMC 2016-ECCE Asia将于2016年5月22日至25日在合肥举办。合肥是安徽省省会,位于中国东部地区,是一个拥有750万人口的历史名城。

        IPEMC 2016-ECCE Asia是电力电子与运动控制领域重要的IEEE会议之一,它由IEEE电力电子学会和中国电工技术学会共同赞助,秉承追求高端技术水平的优良传统。这次特别的国际会议为那些来自工业领域和学术界的专业人士们提供了一个很好的平台,使他们在友好、互动和愉快的氛围中,既可以展示电力电子与运动控制系统中最前沿的成果,也可以相互交流创新思维。


        合肥具有2000多年的悠久历史,是一个拥有独特的文化、美食和风景名胜的现代化都市。在连接中国南北地区的高铁和高速公路中,合肥是一个交通枢纽。乘坐高铁,从合肥到上海只需要2个小时,从合肥到北京只需要4个小时。新建的合肥新桥国际机场每天都有很多来往于国内外目的地的直飞航班。IPEMC 2016-ECCE Asia将在白金汉爵大酒店举办。会议的节目的举行以及人员的住宿都安排在白金汉爵大酒店,该酒店位于商业区和行政区,公共交通和乘坐出租车很方便。

        2016年5月,IPEMC 2016-ECCE 亚洲组织委员在合肥期待你们的到来!

        会议名称:IPEMC 2016-ECCE Asia国际会议


        会议地点:中国合肥白金汉爵大酒店(Platinum Hanjue Hotel)


        主办方:IPEMC 2016-ECCE 亚洲组委会



         May 21, 2016 (Saturday)
        3:00PM-6:00PM Registration in the Hotel Lobby at the Main Level
         May 22, 2016 (Sunday)
         8:00AM-6:00PM Registration in the Hotel Lobby at the Main Leve
        Tutorial Group I • 8:50am-12:10pm
          (Room 310-312) (Room 311-313) (Room 316-318) (Room 320-322) (Room 321-323)        
        Tutorial 1 Tutorial 2 Tutorial 3 Tutorial 4 Tutorial 5        
        8:50AM-12:10PM Preparing and Reviewing Manuscripts for IEEE Journal Publication Design of Wireless Electric Vehicles: Dynamic & Stationary Charging Technologies Solid-State Transformers-Key Design Challenges, Applicability, and Future Concepts Technology and Practical Techniques to Test Power Devices Advanced Control Strategy for High Performance AC Servo System        
        12:10PM-1:40                   PMLunch: Buffet in Dinning Room 188 on the 1st Floor
         Tutorial Group II • 1:40pm-5:00pm
          (Room 310-312) (Room 311-313) (Room 316-318) (Room 320-322) (Room 321-323)        
        Tutorial 6 Tutorial 7 Tutorial 8 Tutorial 9 Tutorial 10        
        1:40PM-5:00PM Design, Control and Topology for High Performance LLC Resonant Converters Capacitors in Power Electronics Applications-Sizing, Modeling, and Reliability Principles and Practices of Digital Current Regulation for AC Systems A Survey on Advanced Methods of Control in Electrical Drives Design Challenges for High Frequency Magnetic Circuit for Power Conversion        
        6:00PM-8:00PM  Reception: Buffet in Dinning Room 188 on the 1st Floor
         May 23, 2016 (Monday)
        8:00AM-6:00PM Registration in the Hotel Lobby at the Main Level
        7:30AM-8:20AM Oral Presenters’ Breakfast: Dinning Room 188 on the 1st Floor (Oral Presenters and Session Chairs of May 23 only)
        8:30AM-10:10AM Plenary Session I (Room 303-305)
        10:10AM-10:30AM Morning Break: Room 303-305
        10:30AM-12:10PM Plenary Session II (Room 303-305)
        12:10PM-1:40PM Lunch: Buffet in Room 301-302
        12:10PM-5:20PM Setting-up Expo: Room 305
          (Rm 310-312) (Rm 311-313) (Rm 315-317) (Rm 316-318) (Rm 320-322) (Rm 581) (Rm 585) (Rm 586) (Rm 588)
        Ma1 Ma2 Ma3 Ma4 Ma5 Ma6 Ma7 Ma8 Ma9
        1:40PM-3:20PM 7:New Devices and Applications 4:Modulation of Converters 5:DC/DC Converter 8:Electronic Motor Drive 20:Power Factor Correction and Harmonic Mitigation 25:Coordinating Control of Parallel Converters in MicroGrids   12:Renewable Energy Systems 6:AC/DC, DC/AC Power Converters 36:Grid Scale Energy Storage: Modelling and Control
        I I I I I I I
        3:20PM-3:40PM Afternoon Break: Room 303-305
          (Rm 310-312) (Rm 311-313) (Rm 315-317) (Rm 315-317) (Rm 320-322) Rm (581) Rm (585) Rm (586) Rm (588)
        Mb1 Mb2 Mb3 Mb4 Mb5  Mb6 Mb7  Oral  Mb9 
        3:40PM-5:20PM  7:New Devices and Applications  4:Modulation of Converters 5:DC/DC Converter  8:Electronic Motor Drive 21:Power Quality Enhancement 30:High Power Density AC-DC/ DC-DC Converter  12:Renewable Energy Systems 6:AC/DC, DC/AC Power Converters 37:Grid Scale Energy Storage: Economics and Business Models  
        II  II II  II II  II
        5:30PM-6:30PM Expo Reception: Beverage in Room 303-305 (Expo open) 
        6:30PM-8:00PM  Dinner: Buffet in Room 301-302 
        8:00PM-10:00PM  Young Professional Reception in Room 388 
        May 24, 2016 (Tuesday) 
        8:00AM-6:00PM  Registration in the Hotel Lobby at the Main Level 
        7:30AM-8:20AM  Oral Presenters’ Breakfast: Dinning Room 188 on the 1st Floor (Oral Presenters and Session Chairs of May 24 only)
        9:00AM-5:00PM  Expo in Room 305
          (Rm 310-312) (Rm 311-313) (Rm 315-317) (Rm 316-318) (Rm 320-322) Rm (581) Rm (585) Rm (586) Rm (588)
        Ta1  Ta2 Ta3  Ta4  Ta5   Ta6 Ta7  Oral  Ta9 
        8:30AM-10:10AM  24:GaN Power Device Application  4:Modulation of Converters  5:DC/DC Converter 8:Electronic Motor Drive 29:Power Quality Analysis and Enhancement 33:HVDC and DC Grid Technologies for Grid Integration of Large Renewable Energy 12:Renewable Energy System 6:AC/DC, DC/AC Power Converters 36:Grid Scale Energy Storage: Modelling and Control
        III  III III I III  III II  
        10:10AM-10:30AM  Morning Break: Room 303-305 
        10:30AM-12:10PM  Poster Session I  (P101, P102, P103, P104, P105, P106, P107, P108, P109)                               (Room 303) 
        12:10PM-1:40PM  Lunch: Buffet in Room 301-302 
        1:40PM-3:20PM  Poster Session II (P201, P202, P203, P204, P205, P206, P207, P208, P209)                               (Room 303) 
        3:20PM-3:40PM  Afternoon Break: Room 303-305 
          (Rm 310-312) (Rm 311-313) (Rm 315-317) (Rm 316-318) (Rm 320-322) Rm (581) Rm (585) Rm (586) Rm (588)
        Tb1  Tb2 Tb3  Tb4  Tb5 Tb6  Tb7  Tb8   Tb9 
        3:40PM-5:20PM 18:Electric and Hybrid Vehicles   28:Fault-Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Control of Power Electronics Applications 5:DC/DC Converter  8:Electronic Motor Drive 29:Power Quality Analysis and Enhancement 33:HVDC and DC Grid Technologies for Grid Integration of Large Renewable Energy 38:Penal Session   23:Stability and Power Quality of Power Electronic Based Systems 26:Advanced Power Conversion Systems for Energy Storage 
        IV IV II  II I
        6:00PM-8:30PM Banquet: Room 301-302
        May 25, 2016 (Wednesday)  
        8:00AM-10:00AM  Registration in the Hotel Lobby at the Main Level 
        7:30AM-8:20AM  Oral Presenters’ Breakfast: Dinning Room 188 on the 1st Floor (Oral Presenters and Session Chairs of May 25 only) 
        9:00AM-10:30AM  Expo in Room 305 (Tearing-down during 10:30AM-12:30PM)
          (Rm 310-312) (Rm 311-313) (Rm 315-317) (Rm 316-318) (Rm 320-322) Rm (581) Rm (585)   Rm (586) Rm (588)
        Wa1  Wa2  Wa3 Wa4  wa5 Wa6  Wa7 Wa8 Wa9
        8:30AM-10:10AM   35:New Technology and Development Trend of Electric Vehicles 38:Simulating the Next-generation of Energy Conversion System in Real-time   5:DC/DC Converter 10:Electric Machines, Actuators and Sensors  19:Transit, Aerospace and Marine Systems  14:Microgrids and Distributed Technologies 12:Renewable Energy Systems 23:Stability and Power Quality of Power Electronic Based System 13:Energy Storage Systems 
        V I IV  II 
        10:10AM-10:30AM  Morning Break: Room 303-305 
          (Rm 310-312) (Rm 311-313) (Rm 315-317) (Rm 316-318) (Rm 320-322) Rm (581) Rm (585) Rm (586) Rm (588)
        Wb1 Wb2 Wb3 Wb4  Wb5 Wb6 Wb7   Wb8   Wb9 
        10:30AM-12:10PM  35:New Technology and Development Trend of Electric Vehicles  6:AC/DC, DC/AC Power Converter 5:DC/DC Converter 11:Industrial applications of Machines  1:Power ICs  14:Microgrids and Distributed Technologies 22:Wireless Power Transfer  6:AC/DC, DC/AC Power Converters  32:Reliability of Power Electronics
        II  VI VI II IV
        12:10PM-1:40PM  Lunch: Buffet in Room 301-302 
          (Rm 310-312) (Rm 311-313) (Rm 315-317) (Rm 316-318) (Rm 320-322) Rm (581)  Rm (585) Wc7 Rm (586) Wc8  Rm (588) Wc9 
        Wc1  Wc2 Wc3 Wc4 Wc5  Wc6 
        1:40PM-3:20PM 17:Smart grid Technologies 34:LED Driver Technology  5:DC/DC Converter  9:Motion Control, Robotics and Sensorless Control 2:Power Semiconductor Devices   14:Microgrids and Distributed Technologies  6:AC/DC, DC/AC Power Converter  6:AC/DC, DC/AC Power Converter 12:Renewable Energy Systems
        I VII  I  III VII V V
        3:20PM-3:40PM  Afternoon Break: Room 303-305
          (Rm 310-312) (Rm 311-313) (Rm 315-317) (Rm 316-318) (Rm 320-322) Rm (581)  Rm (585) Wd7  Rm (586) Wd8 Rm (588) Wd9 
        Wd1   Wd2  Wd3  Wd4 Wd5  Wd6 
        3:40PM-5:20PM  17:Smart grid Technologies 16: Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Buildings  15:Transmission and Distribution  9:Motion Control, Robotics and Sensorless Control 3:Passive Components  27: Advanced Power Control Technologies for AC/DC Hybrid Microgrids  31:Microgrids  6:AC/DC, DC/AC Power Converter 6: AC/DC, DC/AC Power Converter
        II II  VIII  IX
        2:10PM-5:30PM  Technical Tours in Hefei
        6:00PM-8:00PM  Dinner: Buffet in Dinning Room 188 on the 1st Floor 
        May 26, 2016 (Thursday)  
        8:30AM-5:30PM  IEEE Workshop on Electronic Power Transmission and Distributione (eT&D)
        (Open on-line registration; Invited speakers)





           优先注册  常规注册
        (2016年4月15日之前) (2016年4月15日之后)
          会员   3580  4230
         非会员  4230  4880
         学生会员  1790  2120
         学生非会员  2120  2440
         会员  1300 1460
         学生会员  1300 1460
         非会员  1460 1630
         会员  1300
         非会员  1630
         仅开幕接待会 260
         仅晚宴 390


        合肥白金汉爵大酒店 会议场地:合肥白金汉爵大酒店

        交通指南:新桥国际机场 驾车距离47.5公里(约59分钟) 合肥火车站 驾车距离18.7公里(约32分钟) 合肥西站 驾车距离14.9公里(约28分钟) 市中心 驾车距离12.8公里(约25分钟)


        酒店与住宿: 为防止极端情况下活动延期或取消,建议“异地客户”与活动家客服确认参会信息后,再安排出行与住宿。
        退款规则: 活动各项资源需提前采购,购票后不支持退款,可以换人参加。

        标签: 制造 电力 电机


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