时间:2015-12-03 08:00 至 2015-12-04 18:00
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2015亚洲临床试验领袖峰会 已过期
发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票 |
【会议背景】:做为我们非常成功的临床试验峰会系列的一部分,本次峰会由Pan Asian Clinical Research Asociation,SAPA, Society for Clinical Trials协会共同支持,将在2015年12月3日和4日在上海博雅大酒店举办。
寻求新的商业合作机会并与行业同行们交流学习如何解决当前行业热点问题及挑战,如临床合作和外包策略; 亚洲监管变革和市场准入;临床合作与技术创新,在临床运营中的最佳实践技术与项目管理;数据收集、质量与风险管理;并解决知识产权如何保护,药物安全,透明度和质量以及物流供应链等问题,保持和更新临床试验在该地区的增长速度与繁荣。
如果您期望与亚洲临床研发领域的决策者们会面及交流学习,这里将是您唯一正确的选择。令您及您的团队始终处于亚洲临床研究发展最前沿,尽在2015年12月3-4日的Asia Clinical Trials Leaders 年会,期待您的参与!
【主办单位】:WBF Group&PACRA
会议日程 (最终日程以会议现场为准)
Day One December3,Thursday
0800 Registration&Coffee
0900 What are the Key Commercial Considerations for Successful Drug Development and Investment in Asia?
•Competitive outlook for the Asian pharmaceutical sector: Diversify or focus on core segments?
•Commercial challenges, issues and potential solutions for successful drug development in Asia
•Examining the Asian R&D and commercial pathway for a big pharma
•Incorporating changes in big pharma organizational structures for the integration of Asia R&D
•Establishing central trial coordination operating models for the Asia-Pacific R&D trial portfolio
•Exploring collaboration models in Asia for successful drug development
•Commercial and market challenges for profitable drug development and portfolio development in Asia
John Choi, Chief Business Officer, Hua Medicine
Min Irwin,VP, head of China Medicine Development,
Dennis Wong, Associate VP, Head of Clinical Development, AP R&D, Sanofi
0930Successful Stories of Bringing / Developing Innovative Products in China
• Defining Innovation and Innovative Pharmaceutical Products
•Pathways for Development (Create from Scratch, In-license, Partner with China company for Development)
• Examples of different approaches & Lessons
• Case Study (Hua Medicine’s in-licensing of 4th Generation GKA asset from Roche) John Choi, Chief Business Officer, Hua Medicine
1000 Biologics Development in Asia Dennis Wong,Associate VP, Head of Clinical Development, AP R&D,Sanofi
1030 Tea and Break
1100 Recruitment 2016---Attracting and Retaining Key People in the Year Ahead
Matthew Bulley,Director Asia Pacific, Barrington James
1130 Maintaining proper balance in relationships: Sponsor – Site – CRO & Patients
•Four-way relationship between sponsors, sites, CROs & patients - Realistic expectations, clear communications, shared understandings, practical policies, and efficient problem resolution
•Quantitative analysis reveals rapid changes in the industry and trends for the future. How can sponsors, sites and CROs meet the challenges?
•Choosing a partner who can take necessary steps to rectify the situation when things go wrong
•Understanding sponsors principle for selecting the local clinical research organization
•Identifying the anticipated advantages of a collaborative clinical trial alliance for greater efficiency and cost reduction
•What are the current perspectives on the future of outsourcing in Asia?
Shaojing Hu, VP & Chief Chemist, Betta Pharmaceuticals
Beat E. Widler, Managing Partner, Widler & Schiemann AG Robbie Chana, VP, Business Development – Europe & Asia Pacific, Bioclinica
1200 Networking & Luncheon
1400 Bridging Gaps in Meeting Trial Timelines: Effective Communication Between Biometrics and Clinical Trial Operations
•Ensuring data quality within given timelines
•Need for effective communication between Biometrics and Clinical Operation teams
•Establish the right teams to speed up trial timelines
Dejun Tang, Site Head, Biometrics & Statistical Sciences and Methodology, Novartis Pharma China
1430New Drug Review Initiatives to Encourage Innovations by CFDA & global collaboration can do more Shaojing Hu, VP & Chief Chemist, Betta Pharmaceuticals
1500 ICH GCP Revision: what is new, how may the revision impact the way we do clinical trials?
Beat E. Widler,Managing Partner,Widler & Schiemann AG 1530Tea and Break
1600 Conference Adjourn
Day Two December4,Friday
0800 Registration&Coffee
0900 Innovative Approaches to Clinical Partnering
• Case examples of different kinds of partnerships in clinical trials (eg. academia/pharma; pharma/pharma; pharma/CRO & more)
• Determining pros and cons of partnering with local vs. global SMOs & CROs
• Maintaining relationship and generating good quality supporting protocols
Fangning Zhang, Partner , Greater China Office, Shanghai ,
McKinsey & Company
Shuling Wu, Associate Director, Data Management TA Lead, Pfizer (China) Research & Development
Rebecca Wang, Executive Medical Director ; Global Regulatory Affairs and Safety; Bone Safety TA Head, Amgen
David Yang,CEO,Microconstant
0930 Risk Based Safety Management in Clinical Trials Risk based safety management (RBSM) in clinical trials is widely credited for protecting human subjects during a clinical trial and ensuring integrity of study. Although the process of RBSM various significantly among pharmaceutical companies, the common elements include (1) commit to protect human subjects and integrity of safety information in the clinical trials – the organisational culture ensures that all the members of the organization give priority to patient safety; (2) understand hazards and evaluate risk – the foundation of a risk-based approach; (3) manage risk – the ongoing execution of RBSM; and (4) evaluation of effectiveness of RBSM system - learn from experience via metrics, incidents, audits and management reviews, provide direct feedback on the workings of the system, and improve it.
Rebecca Wang, Executive Medical Director ; Global Regulatory Affairs and Safety; Bone Safety TA Head, Amgen
1000Evaluating China as the Data Management Center for Global Projects
Wei Zhang, Associate Director, Data Management TA Lead, Pfizer (China) Research & Development
1030 Tea and Break
1100 The China effect on innovation and implications to pharma
China spent more than $200 billionon research and development in 2014, the second-largest investment by any country inabsolute terms (and about 2 percent of GDP). Its universities graduate more than 1.2 millionengineers each year—more than the next five countries combined. But how innovative is the Chinese economy? Does China have the innovative capacity to raiseproductivity, create more high value-added jobs, and achieve its economic aspirations?
Within pharma, China has significantly increased R&D spending, established multiple industry parks, attracted thousands of oversea returnees who bring years of industry experiences. But will China become a global leader on pharma innovation? What does it take to get there? Fangning Zhang, Partner , Greater China Office, Shanghai , McKinsey & Company
1130 Caveats in analyzing observational data – Examples and practice
In clinical development, after the drug is on the market, data collection usually switches to post-marketing studies, or real-world surveillance. Due to lack of comparator, lack of rigor in study set-up, the translation validity from data to information is often in question. Confounding is almost always an issue. Most of the literature simply ignores confounding,and most of the rest attempts to control confounding improperly. I will summarize common problems in data interpretation in this area, and use examples to show how we as an industry can do a better job in extracting real information. Ouhong Wang, Head of Biostatistics & Programming, China, Amgen
1230 Networking & Luncheon
1400 From a GCP Office to a Real SMO: A Data Quality
Henry Yau, Managing Director and Honorary Assistant Professor of The University of Hong Kong Clinical Trials Centre
1430 e-Clinical Technology in China
Information Technology has been greatly implemented in clinical research from data processing and randomization. This presentation will cover
•Current status of e-clinical in China
•Challeges global pharma experienced
•Oppertunities for local Pharma
Hualong Sun, General manager, Meta Clinical Technology
1500 Tea and Break
1530 Conference Adjourn
会议嘉宾 (最终出席嘉宾以会议现场为准)
介绍:上海博雅酒店毗邻新国际博览中心。 酒店的300间自然景观房,融合了古典的东方元素与现代简约时尚的设计,风格独树一帜。其中套房59间,商务双人房61间,商务单人间180间,面积从40平米至55平米不等。 其他配套设施包括宴会厅、商务中心、恒温室内游泳池和健身中心;酒店全馆均可免费无线上网。
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