2020 第十二届智能人机系统与控制论国际学术会议 (IHMSC2020)
时间:2020-08-22 09:00 至 2020-08-23 18:00

- 会议内容
2020 第十二届智能人机系统与控制论国际学术会议 (IHMSC2020) 已过期
会议时间:2020-08-22 09:00至 2020-08-23 18:00结束 会议地点: 杭州 详细地址会前通知 None 会议规模:暂无 主办单位: IHMSC组委会 |
As a continuation of IHMSC 2009 to IHMSC 2019, which were held successfully in Hangzhou, Nanjing, and Nanchang etc., the 12th International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics (IHMSC 2020) will take place at Zhejiang University inHangzhou, China, between22-23 August, 2020The aim of this conference is to provide a forum for exchanges of research results, ideas for and experience of application among researchers and practitioners involved with all aspects of Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics.
The proceedings of IHMSC 2020 will be published by theIEEE Computer Society's Conference Publishing Service (CPS), and submitted to EI. The proceedings of previous nine IHMSC from 2009 to 2018 have been indexed by EI, and included in the digital libraries (CSDL, IEEE Xplore, IEEE IEL).
IEEE Conference ID:#49165.
Advances in Intelligence Science and Engineering, Human-Machine Systems, and Cybernetics continually play important roles in creating intelligent and interactive environments involving state-of-art technologies. Papers related to this conference theme are especially solicited, including theories, methodologies, and emerging applications such as recognition of human activities. Contributions covering theoretical developments and practical applications, including but not limited to the following technical areas, are invited:
Human-Machine Systems:
- Agents and agent-based systems
- Artificial Immune Systems
- Artificial Life
- Biologically inspired systems
- Bioinformatics/ Collective robotics
- Computational Intelligence
- Cybernetics for Informatics
- Decentralized systems
- Distributed systems
- Embedded intelligence
- Evolutionary robotics
- Fuzzy Systems and Their applications
- Genetic and evolutionary computation
- Heuristic Algorithms
- Human-machine interfaces
- Human-robot interaction
- Unmanned systems
- Image Processing
- Pattern Recognition
- Intelligent systems
- Interactive and Digital Media
- Interactive Design
- Intelligent Internet Systems
- Kansei (sense/emotion) Engineering
- Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
- Machine Learning
- Machine Vision
- Media Computing
- Medical Informatics
- Neural Networks and Their Applications
- Optimization
- Self-Organization
- Swarms, Swarm intelligence
Virtual reality
- Artificial intelligence
- Robotics
- Computer Vision
- Control systems
- Learning organization
- Bioengineering
- Biocybernetics
- Homeostasis
- Medical cybernetics
- Synthetic Biology
- Systems Biology
- Decision support system
- Cellular automaton
- Adaptive systems
- Engineering cybernetics
- Ergonomics
- Biomedical engineering
- Systems engineering
- Entrepreneurial cybernetics
- Management cybernetics
- Organizational cybernetics
- Operations research
- Systems engineering
- Dynamical system
- Information theory
- Systems theory
- Psycho-Cybernetics
- Systems psychology
- Affect Control Theory
- Sociocybernetics
A standard paper should not exceed4pages and extra pages should not exceed2pages using
IEEE conference paper format: (Word,Latex).
Honorary Chair
Prof. Yuhui Shi, Southern University of Science and Technology, China
General Chair
Prof. Yongchuan Tang, Zhejiang University, China
Program Committees
- Prof. Yongchuan Tang, Zhejiang University, China
- Prof. Zengchang Qin, Beihang University, China
- Dr. AlessandroAntonucci, IDSIA, Switzerland
- Prof. Lev Utkin, St. Petersburg Forest Technical Academy, Russia
- Prof. MarcoCattaneo, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Germany
- Prof. FabioCuzzolin, Oxford Brookes University, UK
- Prof. Ines Couso, University of Oviedo, Spain
- Dr. ErikQuaeghebeur, Universiteit Gent, Belgium
- Prof. Huynh Van Nam, JAIST, Japan
- Prof. Qiang Shen, Aberystwyth University, UK
- Dr. Hongmei He, University of Bristol, UK
- Prof. Weiru Liu, Queens University Belfast, UK
- Prof. Jordi Recasens, UPC Barcelona, Spain
- Prof. Vladik Kreinovich, University of Texas (El Paso), USA
- Prof. Tru Cao, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam
- Prof. Huynh Van Nam, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
- Prof. Christian Borgelt, European Centre for Soft Computing (ECSC), Spain
- Dr. Ines Gonzalez, University of Cantabria, Spain
- Prof. Philippe De Wilde, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
- Prof. Janusz Kacprzyk, Polish Academy of Sciences, PL
- Prof. Gary Gang Feng, City University of Hong Kong, China
- Prof. Trevor Martin, University of Bristol, UK
- Dr. Jun Liu, University of Ulster (Jordanstown Campus), UK
- Prof. Maria Carolina Monard, Saint Paul University
- Prof. Yang Xu, Southwest Jiaotong University, China
- Dr. Jonathan Rossiter, University of Bristol, UK
- Dr. Yiming Ying, University of Bristol, UK
- Prof. Xu Weiqiang, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, China
- Prof. Kaizhu Huang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- Prof. Feng Qin, Jiangxi Normal University, China
prof. Yuhui Shi, Xijiao-Liverpool University, China - Prof. Renold Cheng, University of Hong Kong, China
- Prof. Er Mong Joo, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Prof. Chia-Feng Juang, National Chung-Hsing University, China
- Prof. Jonathan Lawry, University of Bristol, UK
Prof. Zhang Wei, Tsinghua University, China - Dr. Wang Xingwei, Chinese Ergnomics Society, China
- Dr. Gui Chunmei, Chinese Ergomics Society, China
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