时间:2020-01-10 09:00 至 2020-01-12 18:00

- 会议内容
2020年日本机电一体化与制造国际会议 已过期
会议时间:2020-01-10 09:00至 2020-01-12 18:00结束 会议地点: 东京 详细地址会前通知 None 会议规模:暂无 主办单位: 日本机电一体化与制造国际会议组委会 |
ICMM 2020为机电一体化和制造业的理论和实践提供了科学进步的论坛。这是一次高度选择性的单轨会议,将征求提交重要,原创和以前未发表的研究报告。ICMM 2020旨在成为世界领先的国际会议之一,它将为研究人员提供一个令人兴奋的环境,展示和讨论最新的技术和应用。
2020第11届机电一体化与制造国际会议协会(ICMM 2020)将于2020年1月10日至12日在日本东京中央大学多摩校区举行。本次会议将为学术界和工业界提供一个难得的机会,以应对新的挑战并分享解决方案,并讨论未来的研究方向。学术界,工业界和管理机构都希望获得捐款。
ICMM 2020欢迎作者提交有关机电一体化和制造业的任何分支及其在教育和其他科目中的应用的论文。涵盖的主题包括 材料科学与工程,研究与分析与建模方法,MEMS,NANO和Smart Systems-on-Chip,以及其应用的其他主题。
Submitted paper will be peer reviewed by conference committees, and accepted papers will be included into ICMM 2020 Conference Proceedings which will be published into IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (doi:10.1088 / ISSN.1757-899X), which is submitted for indexing to EI Compendex, Scopus, Thomson Reuters (WoS), Inspec,et al.
The conference is soliciting state-of-the-art research papers in the following areas of interest:
Call for Paper Flyer Download
(T1) Materials Science and Engineering
Metallic Alloys, Tool Materials, Superplastic Materials, Ceramics and Glasses, Composites, Amorphous Materials, Nanomaterials, Biomaterials, Multifunctional Materials, Smart Materials, Engineering Polymers, Functional materials, Nuclear fuel materials, Biomaterals, sensors and surfaces, Thin Film Chalcogenide Photovoltaic Materials, Nuclear Materials, Magnetic Materials, Multi Functional Magnetic Materials, Superconducting Materials, Structured Materials, Spintronics Materials and Devices, Hard/Soft Magnetic Materials, Crosscutting materials
(T2) Materials Properties, Measuring Methods and Applications
Ductility, Crack Resistance, Fatigue, Creep-resistance, Fracture Mechanics, Mechanical Properties, Electrical Properties, and Magnetic Properties, Corrosion, Erosion, Wear Resistance, Non-Destructive Testing, Reliability Assessment, Toxicity, Working Properties of Materials and Products, Large Scale Applications, Electronics Applications
(T3) Methodology of Research and Analysis and Modelling
Electron Microscopy, X-ray Phase Analysis, Metallography, Quantitative Metallography, Image Analysis, Computer Assistance in the Engineering Tasks and Scientific Research, Numerical Techniques, Statistic Methods, Residual Life Analysis, Process Systems Design, Mould Flow Analysis, Rapid Prototyping, CAM, CAMS, CAQ, Engineering Design, Technological Design, Materials Design, Computational Material Science, Materials and Engineering Databases, Expert Systems, Artificial Intelligence Methods
(T4) Materials Manufacturing and Processing
Casting, Powder Metallurgy, Welding, Sintering, Heat Treatment, Thermo-Chemical Treatment, Thin & Thick Coatings, Surface Treatment, Machining, Plastic Forming, Quality Assessment, Automation Engineering Processes, Robotics, Mechatronics, Technological Devices and Equipment, Theoretical Fundamentals of Cleaner Production, Industrial Application of Cleaner Production Methods, Production and Operations Management, Production Planning and Control, Manufacturing Technology Management, Quality Management, Environmental Management, Safety and Health Management, Project Management, Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, Supply Chain Management, Productivity and Performance Management, Modeling, analysis and simulation of manufacturing processes, High-speed/precision machining, Virtual manufacturing and concurrent engineering, Green design and manufacturing, Digital and agile manufacturing, PDM, ERP, logistics and supply chain, Bionic mechanisms and bio-manufacturing, Tribology in Manufacturing Processes, Integrated Manufacturing System, Laser Processing Technology, Materials Machining, Micro- and nano-fabrication, materials processing and technology, Thermal Engineering Theory and Applications, Testing, measuring, monitoring and controlling of manufacturing processes, Engineering Optimization, Product Design and Development,Project/Engineering Management
(T5) MEMS, NANO, and Smart Systems-on-Chip
Nanoelectronics, Spintronic Devices and Systems, Smart Sensor Technology and Measurement Systems, Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices, Damping and Isolation , Micro-fluidic Systems, Nano-imaging, Scanning Probes, and Molecular Manipulation and Devices, Active Materials: Behaviour and Mechanics, Industrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structure Technologies, Smart Electronics, MEMS, and BioMEMS, Smart Structures and Integrated Systems, Nano-optics and Nano-photonic Devices, Novel Fabrication Processes, Laser Micromachining and Nanomachining, Nano-composites, Bio-electronics, Bionanotechnology, and Molecular Nanotechnology
(T6) Energy Systems
Renewable and green energy systems, Biomass, wind and solar energy resources and technologies, Alternative energy technologies and sources, Fuel cells and hydrogen energy, Energy storage technologies, Advanced Energy Systems, Advanced power generation, transmission and automation, Distributed energy systems, Polygeneration systems, Energy efficiency and management, Energy process and system modeling and optimization, Combined heat and power technologies
(T7) Mechatronics, Automation and Signal Processing
Mechatronics, Intelligent echatronicsIndustrial Robotics and Automation, Intelligent control, neuro-control, fuzzy control Industrial, Automation and Process Control, Distributed Control System, Embedded System, Control system modeling and simulation techniques, Enterprise Informationization and information processing technology, Virtual Instrumentation, Sensors, multi-sensor data fusion algorithms, Advanced measurement and Machine Vision system, Transmission and control of Fluid, Dynamics, Vibration and Control, Robotics biomimetics, Automation, Opto-electronic elements and Materials, Laser technology and laser processing, Applications of micro and nano systems, Manufacturing Process Simulation, CIMS and Manufacturing System, Mechanical and Liquid Flow Dynamic, CAD/CAM/CIM, Vibration Measuring and Reliability Analysis, Finite Element Analysis and structure optimization, Fault Diagnosis and Maintenance Theory, Intelligent Mechatronics and Robotics, Elements, Structures, Mechanisms, and Applications of Micro and Nano Systems, Complex mechanical-electro-liquid System, Vehicle Engineering and Safe, Signal Processing Theory & Methods, Adaptive Signal Processing and Blind Signal Processing, Independent Component Analysis, Multimedia Signal Processing, Image & Video Signal Processing, Speech Processing, Array & Multi-Channel Signal Processing, Signal Processing for Communications, Time Series Analysis, Error Theory and Analysis
Advisory Committee
Prof. Makoto IWASAKI, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan ( IEEE Fellow )
Conference Chairs
Prof. Yoshihiko Uematsu, Gifu University, Japan
Assoc. Prof. Ratchatin Chancharoen, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Program Chairs
Prof. Mahir Dursun, Gazi University, Turkey
Prof. Vadim R. Gasiyarov, South Ural State University, Russia
Technical Committee
Prof.Shailendra Kumar, S.V.National Institute of Technology, India
Prof.Bandit Suksawat, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, Thailand
Prof. Ranganath M. S, Delhi Technological University, India
Prof. Prakash.S, Sathyabama University, India
Prof. Osman Adiguzel, Firat University, Turkey
Prof. Ghassan A. Al-Kindi, Sohar University - Sultanate of Oman
Prof. Anna A. Sandulyak, Moscow technological university, Russia
Prof. N.Ethiraj, Dr. M.G.R Educational and Research Institute, India
Prof. Hamid Reza Karimi, Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy
Assoc.Prof. Tapas Kumar Maiti, Hiroshima University, Japan
Assoc.Prof. K Kanlayasiri, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand
Assoc. Prof. Seung-Jun Shin, Hanyang University, South Korea
Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Anandakrishnan, National Institute of Technology, India
Asst.Prof. Wandee Petchmaneelumka, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand
Asst.Prof. Pek-Lan Toh, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia
Asst.Prof. Elmer R. Magsino, De La Salle University, Philippines
Asst. Prof. Wasawat Nakkiew, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Asst. Prof. Vu Ngoc Pi, Thai Nguyen University of Technology, Viet Nam
Dr. Yang Xi, Dr. Yang Xi, Finisar Corporation, USA
Dr. K.K.Soundrapandian, Pdpm-Indian Institute Of Information Technology Design And Manufacturing, India
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