时间:2016-08-19 09:00 至 2016-08-21 18:00
- 参会报名
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- 会议日程
- 会议嘉宾
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2016年创新材料科学与技术国际学术会议 已过期会议时间:2016-08-19 09:00至 2016-08-21 18:00结束 会议地点: 深圳 深圳长安大酒店 罗湖区深南东路1133号(深南东路与文锦南路交汇处) 会议规模:500人 主办单位: Science & Engineering Research Center
The aim of IMST 2016 is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, and academicians, as well as industrial professionals, to showcase their research results in the fields of Innovative Material Science and Technology. It provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. We warmly welcome the prospective authors who are interested in the fields to submit their up-to-date and original research papers to the IMST 2016 Organizing Committee!
2016年创新材料科学与技术国际学术会议将在8月19-21日在中国深圳召开。本次会议邀请了土耳其Mehmet AkifErsoy University的Prof. Nurettin Korozlu,特里布文大学教授 Prof. Bhadra Prasad Pokharel,马来西亚彭亨大学副教授Dr. Md. Maksudur Rahman Khan,新加坡南洋理工大学副教授 Dr. Erjia Liu等专家 出席会议并做大会报告。届时将有美国,新加坡,香港,中国,台湾,马来西亚,澳大利亚,波兰 ,澳大利亚沙等国家的教授,学者,科研人员参会并做报告。本次会议所收录的文章将提交到EI系列期刊出版,并提交EI,CPCI,Scopus等检索机构审核检索。优秀文章增加内容后可以推荐到Materials Research Innovations期刊发表,EI检索(JA。大会旨在促进材料科学与技术等领域的研究与交流。欢迎广大学者踊跃投稿和参会。
会议日程 (最终日程以会议现场为准)
August 19, 2016 Conference Registration 大会注册
August 20, 2016
09:00-09:15 Open Ceremony 大会开幕
09:15-10:00 Keynote Speech 主题演讲
10:00-10:15 Coffee Break 茶歇
10:15-12:00 Oral Session 1 口头展示
12:00-13:00 Lunch 午饭
14:00-15:30 Oral Session 2 口头展示
15:30-15:40 Coffee Break 茶歇
15:40-17:00 Oral Session 3 口头展示
August 21, 2016
09:30-11:00 Oral Session 4 口头展示
11:00-11:30 The Conference Summary 大会闭幕
11:30 Lunch and Free Time 午饭和自由时间
The official Conference Schedule should rely on the issue by AEST2016 Organization Committee if there is any change about the information.
会议嘉宾 (最终出席嘉宾以会议现场为准)
Prof. Nurettin Korozlu , Department of Nanotechnology and Nanoscience, Mehmet AkifErsoy University, Burdur, Turkey
Keynote Speech Title: Genetic-Algorithm Optimization of Thermoelectric Materials β-X8Sb7(X=Zn, Cd) Calculated within DFT
Prof. Bhadra Prasad Pokharel ,Materials Science and Engineering Program, Pulchowk Campus, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Lalitpur Kathmandu, Nepal
Keynote Speech Title: Chemically Activated Nano-Porous Carbon From Lapsi Seed For Multifunctional Material Applications
Dr. Md. Maksudur Rahman Khan , Associate Professor, Faculty of Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia
Keynote Speech Title: Visible Light Responsive Nanostructured Composite Materials for CO2 Conversion to Fuel
Dr. Erjia Liu , Associate Professor, School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Keynote Speech Title: Anti-adhesion, Low Friction Coatings on Micromolds for Quality Replication of Polymer Microfluidic Devices
Registration Fees
For the publication on conference proceedings:
-Regular Registration: RMB3000 or USD500
-Student Registration: RMB2800 or USD455
-Additional papers: RMB2600 or USD425
-Extra Page (More than 8 pages): RMB300 or USD50
-Attendees without Papers: RMB1600 or USD250
For the publication on journal of Materials Research Innovations:
-Regular Registration: RMB6000 or USD1000
*The total registration fee for publication on journal of Materials Research Innovations is RMB6000/USD1000. It includes the publication fee and the registration fee for attending the conference proceedings.
Author's registration Fee includes
*Full Paper being published on EI Serial Journal and Indexing Services
* Access to the proceeding online
* Participation in the Technical Program
* 10-20 minutes presentation
* Conference Kits
* Lunch
* Coffee Breaks
*Participation in the Technical Program
* 10-20 minutes presentation
* Conference Kits
* Lunch
* Coffee Breaks
Details of the Registration Fees
1. Each paid registration covers only one paper; you can pay Extra Paper Charges (Additional papers: RMB2600 or USD425) for one more paper from the same first author who already has a paid registration.
2. One regular registration with one or more additional papers has only one proceeding. One regular registration can cover a paper within eight (8) pages, including all figures, tables, and references.
3. If the length of the paper exceeds eight (8) Pages, the cost of Each Extra Page (begin at Page 9) is RMB300 or USD50.
4. Registration fees include conference proceedings, lunches, gifts and attending all technical sessions.
5. At least one author for each accepted final paper must pre-register.
6. The registration fee does not include:
• Accommodation
• Visa application fee
• Transportation fee
7. Completed registrations will be acknowledged by the Organizing Committee within seven (7) days after receiving your payment.
8. If you cannot attend the conference due to some reasons, we will mail the proceedings and invoice to you.
介绍:深圳长安大酒是一家商务型酒店,位于罗湖区深南东路地段,临近罗湖区委、文锦渡口岸。深圳长安大酒店地处深圳市黄金地段的深南东路,南倚文锦海关,北至布吉镇,东靠沙头角,西邻罗湖商业步行街。 深圳长安大酒店楼高18层,外墙及部分客房于经装修改造后,装潢精致典雅,附设多功能会议厅,中、西特色餐厅、休闲娱乐等。酒店的客房洁净、舒适,为宾客提供放松身心的理想秀气地。更有殷切、周到的服务
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