Stanislaw Pietruszczak简历
Specific Research Interests and Activities:Geomechanics Modelling of mechanical response of geomaterials (soils, rocks, etc.) to both monotonic and fluctuating loads. Description of inherent and induced anisotropy through incorporation of some tensorial functions reflecting the evolution of material microstructure. Modelling of the chemo-mechanical interaction in rocks / soils. Description of strain localization phenomenon, in dry and saturated soils, through a homogenization technique.
Structural Mechanics
Modelling of mechanical properties of masonry and reinforced concrete. Numerical analysis of concrete structures, including nuclear containment structures. Assessment of seismic stability of masonry structures. Modelling of the mechanical effects of alkali-aggregate reaction in hydraulic structures. Description of the response of saturated cemented aggregate mixtures, including localized deformation.
Description of aging and functional adaptation of bone. Evaluation of risk of fracture of bones; modelling of bone-implant interaction.