首页>演讲嘉宾> Andrew A. Young更新时间:2016-03-17

Intarcia Therapeutics, Inc., Research Triangle ParChief Scientific OfficerAndrew A. Young照片

Andrew A. Young简历

Andrew A. Young,Chief Scientific Officer of Intarcia Therapeutics, Inc., Research Triangle Park, NC, U.S.A. Andrew Young received his M.B., Ch.B. (M.D.) and his Ph.D. in Physiology from the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Following clinical practice with the Auckland Hospital Board, and as a general medical practitioner, he joined the faculty as a lecturer in the Department of Physiology at the University of Auckland.In 1984 he became a Clinical Research Scientist at the National Institutes of Health in Phoenix, Arizona, where he studied insulin resistance and diabetes. From there, he moved to Bad Nauheim, Germany, where as a Max-Planck Fellow he studied the electrophysiology of pain and temperature sensation.In 1989 Andrew Young joined Amylin Pharmaceuticals Inc in San Diego as the founding physiologist, becoming Vice President, Research in 1998 and as Vice President and Senior Research Fellow in 2002. He lead physiologic characterization of the hormone, amylin, an analog of which, pramlintide, was launched as SYMLIN, a first-in-class treatment for insulin-requiring diabetes. He was also responsible for the acquisition and preclinical development of exenatide, launched as BYETTA, the first-in-class GLP1-mimetic for treatment of type 2 diabetes.He has consulted for several anti-obesity device companies, and was CTO/CMO for one, Leptos Biomedical Inc.In 2007, he co-founded Satiogen Pharmaceuticals Inc, a San Diego startup focusing upon lumenally-acting drugs and devices for diabetes and obesity.From December 2008 until March 2015 he was head of Enteroendocrine Biology at GlaxoSmithKline, RTP, NC, focusing upon therapies for metabolic diseases.In 2015, he co-founded and was CSO of Phoundry Pharmaceuticals Inc., a startup focusing upon discovery of high-potency, peptidase-resistant peptides, until Phoundry's acquisition by Intarcia Therapeutics, Inc. in September 2015. He is now Chief Scientific Officer for Intarcia.


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