Shaomeng Wang简历
Shaomeng Wang, Professor of University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, U.S.A. Dr. Wang received his B.S. in Chemistry from Peking University in 1986 and his Ph.D. in Chemistry from Case Western Reserve University in 1992. Dr. Wang did his postdoctoral training in drug design at the National Cancer Institute, NIH between1992-1996. Dr. Wang was Assistant Professor at Georgetown University from 1996-2000 and Associate Professor from 2000-2001. Dr. Wang joined the faculty at the University of Michigan Medical School as a tenured Associate Professor in 2001 and was promoted to Professor in 2006. Dr. Wang was named the Warner-Lambert/Parke-Davis Professor in Medicine in 2007. Dr. Wang serves as the Co-Director of the Molecular Therapeutics Program at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center and is the Director of the Cancer Drug Discovery Program at the University of Michigan.Dr. Wang is the Editor-in-Chief for Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, a premier international journal in medicinal chemistry and drug discovery by the American Chemical Society and serves on the editorial board for several international journals. Dr. Wang has published more than 200 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals and 100+ meeting abstracts, and is an inventor on more than 40 patents and patent applications.In addition to his academic role, Dr Wang is a co-founder of Ascenta Therapeutics and Ascentage Pharma, which were established to develop innovative anticancer medicines with technologies licensed mainly from the University of Michigan.
Daniel Hoyer
The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
Simon Hinkley
Victoria University of Wellington, Lower Hutt, New
Science Team Leader