Isam Shahrour 教授 法国里尔科技大学

Isam Shahrour,Professor at Lille University, Director of SunRise - Smart City University of Science and Technology of Lille Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris. MAJOR ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES: - Director of the Civil and geo-Environmental Engineering regional Laboratory (75 researchers and 90 PhD students) @lgcge - Responsible of the SUNRISE demonstrator "Smart City and Sustainable City” @Sunrisesmartcity - Former Vice President “Research & doctoral program” of Lille1 University (1200 faculty members, 1000 PhD Students) (2007-2012). @univ-lille1. - Former President of “Lille Metropole Technopole”: Agency for promoting the regional economic development through innovation. - Former President of the regional innovation Center “CITC – EURARFID” for promoting the use of contactless technology in the social and economic development. @eurarfid - Director of the International Master “Urban Engineering and Habitat” - Member of the Board of Director of the “Water Society in the North of France”

