Yanbin Feng 框架工程师 Facebook

Will is passionate about optimizing AI frameworks and evangelizing them in new markets. At FAIR, he works on PyTorch, monitoring and improving its performance and also supporting Windows which enables PyTorch to reach broader developer markets in China. Previously, Will's passion took him to Tensor Comprehensions, which is a convenient framework for producing optimized CUDA code for your neural network layers, seamlessly integrated with PyTorch (http://pytorch.org/2018/03/05/tensor-comprehensions.html). He also worked on research projects at the intersection of computer vision and robotics, with pioneering researchers such as Larry Zitnick, Anitha Kannan and Georgia Gkioxari. Before joining FAIR, Will studied computer science at Cornell University. Outside of work, you con find Will tinkering with robot arms that hopefully can help him do some house choirs someday, and he can't wait for the next season of Westworld to see what our wildest imagination about robotics and AI could be.

